Geoconsult & Geoshipping no longer exists, All the Geo companies were/are owned by DOF ASA and all now re-branded to a new company DOFSubsea. Offices in Norway, UK, USA, Canada, Brazil and ASIA. DOFSubsea is now 50% owned by the Financial group – First Reserve; not too difficult to research, the web is wonderful – see – & & & –
Interestingly First Reserve finance many energy players and there is a sizeable connection between DOF ASA and AKER _ all in all quite a potential package and all very new equipment. Although seems most work is in Brazil, the news on their website stops in 2008 though so not sure. Offices in Houston and St Johns no reference to ROV work or ROV Manager in GOM / North America
ROV Hand, possibly you cannot get passed the HR lady for a reason. In these quiet times there will be lots of CV’s and phone calls being received by every ROV manager. Who can blame them for leaving the bad news to others.