Home Forums General Guess what I’ve just heard/read? DOF Subsea Order Ten Triton XLX systems from PSSL

DOF Subsea Order Ten Triton XLX systems from PSSL

Home Forums General Guess what I’ve just heard/read? DOF Subsea Order Ten Triton XLX systems from PSSL

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    Ray Shields

    Leading provider of remote intervention technologies and equipment Perry Slingsby Systems (PSS) has secured a contract to supply 10 new generation Triton XLX ROV systems to offshore survey, IMR, construction support and engineering contractor, DOF Subsea.

    The agreement will see PSS deliver five 3,000m 150HP systems a year throughout 2009 and 2010 for use across DOF Subsea’s operations.

    Each system is equipped with the all new ICE (Integrated Controls Engine) real-time control system and configured with the latest generation survey capabilities, fully integrated operators control chair and the option of upgrading to a 150 HP auxiliary hydraulic system.

    DOF Subsea and PSS have benefited from a long partnership together. This latest order brings the total number of PSS systems contracted by the company in the last 30 months to 21.

    PSS chief operating officer Bruce Lokay said: "DOF Subsea is a valued customer and we are very pleased that our long term relationship with them is set to continue. The contract award recognizes our ability to deliver quality and reliability as well as our capability to offer our customers new and innovative technology."

    Scott Beveridge

    WELL DONE dof!!! In some other thread someone asked about "What’s the best vehicles to work on / operate?" I’ve always liked working on Perry systems except for the XL’s that had the inverted lateral thrusters (dual opposing thrusters…)

    Andy Shiers

    Better than a F~#king Quaser 😕
    Someone had a BIG money handshake to buy that piece of shite 😯
    Let me see 8) hmmmm………………………………………………
    Tritons have been around a bit ( Meaning ……..more people know about them , fly them and fix them ) I know 😯 …….. Lets buy something completely new that hardly anybody knows about apart from a chosen few and they can charge double dayrate because they know it ! Ahh yes they are the latetestteded in technology NO PROBLEMS 🙂
    Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha HA Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha ha

    Scott Beveridge

    Heh, heh… 😆 😆

    We should know…. bloody main lift reterm after 60 dives (reccommended by SMD!!!!!) due to the farqin fact that one must give the heave up command FULL POWER to latch into the snubber… Oh yeah, real hi-tech. Just put it in the water and leave it there guys!!!


    Triton XL’x have been around for 20 years now, so I guess they have that history and everyone at some stage will work on them. Has anyone played with the New 250hp Sonsub systems and the UHD’s…? Just looking for some thoughts and operating feedback.


    Well, the UHD are still much to sophisticated to be operated in the real world. What can you expect of an ROV running on Windows software? Blue screens of course!

    But on the other hand, on some points they are a step ahead of the rest, f.ex the StationKeep, fault finding issues etc.

    The main problems are that a lot of the UHD system are to fragile and to complicated. Guess they will get better with time.

    Ray Shields

    Perry have built on known proven technology, similar to SEL where their new vehicles were based on older ones.

    TXLs or TX whatevers are definately now the Scorpios of their time.

    And the biggest advantage, lots of people out there with experience of using them.

    Thank goodness we have FCVs….oh good no-one else has seen them/worked with them…but at least they are based on Sealions… 😕 😕 😯

    Andy Shiers

    aHHHHHHHHHHH , The Rigworker 8)

    Scott Beveridge

    aHHHHHHHHHHH , The Rigworker 8)

    Miles of wiring… But good thrusters with banjo fittings!!


    Well you had better be prepared for a blue screen of death on the xlx as it still use windows as the operating system!! Why oh why??


    Well you had better be prepared for a blue screen of death on the xlx as it still use windows as the operating system!! Why oh why??

    I may be mistaken but I think the XLX uses QNX, the same Unix-based system used by SMD, rather than winodws

    And Scott, I think the boss has "persuaded" SMD to supply some real umbilicals in place of that German shite

    Andy Shiers

    I shall now think of them as Quazzi Modedo rather than Quasar 😀

    Scott Beveridge

    Heh, heh… 😆 😆

    We should know…. bloody main lift reterm after 60 dives (reccommended by SMD!!!!!) due to the farqin fact that one must give the heave up command FULL POWER to latch into the snubber… Oh yeah, real hi-tech. Just put it in the water and leave it there guys!!!

    Freddy wrote:

    And Scott, I think the boss has "persuaded" SMD to supply some real umbilicals in place of that German shite

    Yeah Freddy, was just making a piss take on that… Tho’ reading it again it actually doesn’t sound like a piss take…

    SMD aren’t the only company to get caught out short with bad umb. / tethers. Had one job with a Perry Recon a long time ago doing p/form insp. Had 7 tethers (I always loathed those flotation balls!!) and went through the lot. Last dive, a spool dog leg 175 ft. from the TMS and we had a (countable) 179 ft. Same again, the winding machines at the cable fab company were slipping and caused some heavy "Z’s in EVERY core of the tether.

    Re: Quasar winch heaving power / latching into the snubber. SMD has designed the winches this way whereas, the winch hyd dumps (correct me if I’m wrong) at a certain lifting pressure and won’t snap / cause damage to the main lift umb. Haven’t read through the entire manual yet but I hope that if the vehicle is at -2000m that it lifts that weight without having to re-adjust the dump pressure.

    Andy Shiers

    It’s ‘All in the technology’ Scott 😀 It’s All in the technology , that’s why the ‘Powers that be’ forked out so much monopoly money to buy one 🙂
    It can even iron ya clothes , toast ya bread and make coffee 😀
    Before ya know it …………………………… Instead of touch screen……it will be Mind control 😯
    Still ………………….it’s yellow 😀


    Freddy B i think you will find the 2 HMI blades in the XLX system are windows XP based.

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