The ICE control system uses both Windows and QNX. Windows for the GUI (dual redundant) and QNX for the control. They talk to each other via Ethernet.
QNX is a really cool operating system where memory spaces are not contiguous and are individualy assigned to processes therefore ensuring one process cannot corrupt another’s memory space. I was fortunate enough to go on a QNX training course in Canada (unfortunatley it was in Winter -35oC ……… chilly) and they produce a very well designed product.
A lot of people in the ROV industry seem to have a bit of a downer on controlling things with Windows. I agree in the early days, pre Windows 2000 that the blue screen was an all too frequent event but since then the only time I’ve seen blue screens is when hardware "s***s the bed".
As it is possible with Windows to corrupt another process with badly written software this is the only real downside I can see but if you keep other software off of the control computer this problem is really eliminated.
Sorry if this sounds a bit geeky
but it’s the way the industry is heading. I’m not sure mind control is here yet but never say never 