Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Drill Bit inspection and recovery

Drill Bit inspection and recovery

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Drill Bit inspection and recovery

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  • #4659
    Mathys Basson

    Hi guys.
    I am new to the ROV industry, just completed pilot tech trainning 2
    and had an opertunity to participate in a drillbit recovery.
    first time to fly the rov in the open sea.. it was an excellent experience,
    just a pity our visual was limited to about 1 meter. so we had a few close calls.
    after about 10 hours(between 3 pilots) of flying and 24hours of string recovery the operation was a sucsess.
    ROV used was the falcon. 😀

    just had to write it down somewhere.
    Rookie pilot tech


    Congratulations mate.

    I bet it felt good getting your hands on real equipment in the ocean. Did you feel comfortable in control? besides turbidity did you face any other hurdles?

    just curious mate, like to learn. 🙂

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