This is one carried over from the old forum
As I recall, the Elvis Bar was full of Auzzies and New Zealanders / Expats – dancing on the tables and large video screen !
It was jammed packed 5 nights a week and hookers were told to piss off !
Its totally reversed now! Not a single Elvis related stuff is in sight.
The interior decor somehow remains the same but the crowd is totally different. Music that they play is hip hop R&B techno thrash and the ladies… doesnt help either. I was there 3-4months ago and i remember paying over 30 bucks for a jug of beer! A few of the pubs along Duxton road where the latter is situated seems to be engaged with the same business idea. Ha! Go only if you are looking for some female companies to spend the evening talking to you and whatever that may happen next is up to the individual. Well for the price of the beer there, dun think i will be returning anytime soon! As for the ladies, they are friendly and hospitable. Well you cant have the best of both worlds, up to the individual
some may like it some dont. Have Fun! Cheers!