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Home Forums General General Board Embarrassed

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  • #18939

    I’v watched your posts for sometime now, and they dont get any better, if you want a laugh and a windup try making it funny, you’ll get a better standard of reply and maybe a wee chuckle out of them 😆

    Later fud baws, best of luck to you in your next life 🙄


    😆 if they are teasing you trout, go find those ruby red slippers, put them on, close your eyes and click your heels together 3 times 😆

    and repeat " Theres’ no place like home"
    there’s no place like home
    there’s no place like home .

    good luck !

    Was trying to find you that scene from Good Morning Vietnam, but you tube is missing it….


    who said it was a wind up?

    Etienne Demers


    this site is a meeting place for ROV related personnel. A way to get news and find work.

    My guess would be that those taking a piss are likelly looking at the site too. Else show them the pay rate link, should shut them up.

    It take a lot of balls to put up and maintain a site like this. I’ve got a lot of respect for those who have. Note that it’s also free.

    As far as avatar, they all look stupid. I dare you to keep yours, and I would laugh with you if I would see you browsing this site with your avatar…

Viewing 4 posts - 16 through 19 (of 19 total)
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