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Employment types

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Employment types

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  • #1328

    Hi All

    I’m just wondering if you guys out there in the industry can enlighten my question. How are you mostly employed? Are most of you employed by one company and work on a rotational basis, or do you all the time have to look for new jobs / projects?

    What I mean by "employed by one company" is that you have a fixed long term contract where you work for X amount of weeks and then have X amount of weeks off time. all planned.

    Thanks for your feedback!


    Andy Shiers

    Errr , 😕 Yes …………….. and No 😯
    And ……………………. Yes 🙂

    Ray Shields

    To Translate Lostboy…

    Yes, most of us are employees of one company, there are others who are self employed or others who work through an Agency but the majority of ROV people work for one company.

    No, most of us get allocated a system (or sometimes one type of system) and work with that system (or systems) the majority of the time.

    And no, you normally have a contract that says they expoect you to work x number of days. No company will guarantee x weeks on x weeks off, most with "try" and run an equal time on/off rota but it doesnt always work that way and they wont guarantee it. On a fixed platform you get helicopters regularly so crewchange dates are easier to plane but if you work on a boat, if the boat is not alongside when you are due off – you dont get off.

    Andy Shiers

    Yep 😀

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