Home Forums ROV ROV Personnel Available For Work Ex Military Firefighter Looking for ROV work.

Ex Military Firefighter Looking for ROV work.

Home Forums ROV ROV Personnel Available For Work Ex Military Firefighter Looking for ROV work.

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  • #19492
    Ray Shields

    I’m 47 are you saying I’m not a runner for this job either because of my age?

    yes. not as a roustabout anyway, WAY to old, its a young guys game, and to be truthful i doubt you will get in to rov either, too much competition from younger guys with a better background, UNLESS you know somebody …..

    and sending out 70+ CVs all around the world

    again, what company is going to recruit a raw trainee from the other side of the world UNLESS somebody is speaking up for you and saying they will take you under there wing? or you have a superb background?

    try a service company? wire line ect?

    Just for info, it is illegal to discriminate on grounds of age. You do not need to put your date of birth or age on your CV or application (obviously they will see it if they get copies of passport).

    I dont know of many companies that DO discriminate in terms of age – they look for experience or background. We took on a 50 year old trainee – he had spent most of his life working on and repairing televisions and videos. Good technical background.

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