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  • #32195
    Ray Shields


    I would suggest you search through the forum for any references to the training at the Underwater Centre and training schools in particular.

    Just be aware that no matter how much training you get at any training school, you will still leave as a Trainee – no matter what any training school tells you.

    Craig Ross

    It’s true Andrew, I’d keep your eyes open and have a good look into these training schools and what people have said about them because I have been told a few things in the past year which hasn’t given me much confidence in them.

    Like yourself, I am trying to find my way into this industry and it’s not easy and I don’t expect it to be…I have been to one of the open days at Fort William and the people there tell you what you want to hear, that after you complete one of their courses your chances of employment will go up and you will likely get a job in the end and according to many that’s just not the case.

    The thing is this isn’t new guys like me or you that have said this, this is ROV managers and people who have been in this industry for a long time and know what they’re talking about so if they’re saying these schools aren’t much good then you have to wonder.

    It’s sad but true because at the end of the day these ROV schools are businesses and are out to make money…if I were you I’d look into other avenues, there’s plenty of good advice on here to take into consideration and I’m sure if you have a look around you’ll find other ideas and ways to get into the industry, it’s totally up to you what you want to do of course but just be aware and keep your options open.

    Good luck!


    Love them or hate them training schools are out there and despite what people say on here ROV companies send candidates on the courses to various schools.

    E.G Fugro used to send guys to Fort William
    CTC use MTCS
    Going out on a limb I would guess Global Marine still use the facilities in Portland.

    I have a personal interest in one of the schools so I will generalise during the rest of this post. The points below are not to promote one school over another but rather to give some pointers when considering which training facility to use.

    The things I would look for are price of the course, relevance of course content, and any feedback off previous Students. Also find out which companies use the facilities of that training center.

    The idea of a couple of weeks course is to achieve three things (in my opinion):
    1. Introduce the candidate to the ROV industry and types of operation.
    2. Give the candidate a basic knowledge of how ROV’s are put together and work so they have a bit of an idea when first going offshore and therefore should be more aware of what is happening around them.
    3. Introduce them to the competency scheme to focus future learning and training.

    The courses do not make you a fully qualified Pilot they do however give you the knowledge to go out and become one. They should train you to the standards laid out by IMCA and should also assist you with seeking employment.

    I am really pleased to see an ex candidate posting something positive about a course he has just attended. Maybe it would be good to see some feedback from candidates who attended the course a year ago to see how relevant the training was and how it helped/hindered them when seeking employment.

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