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Eyesight problem – working offshore

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    Thanks Scotbeve for the 2D, 3D angle. I have often seen perfectly sighted guys with stereoscopic vision try to use a manipulator and miss due to the cameras on the ROV not being stereographic. An ROV camera only has one eye.

    Unlike aircraft where the pilot needs to judge the height above ground very accurately and thus requires both eyes for stereoscopic vision, an ROV pilot has no depth perception on his monitors, therefore a one eyed pilot should have no problem piloting an ROV or operating manipulators. The one eyed guy may even be better than his twin orbed colleagues due to normally operating in an environment with no depth perception. ROV pilots tend to compensate for the lack of depth perception by utilising shadows when possible.

    However, on deck he may be a liability due to being blind on one side. Interestingly, the UKOOA medical does not test for peripheral vision. This means we may have guys out there with two eyes and tunnel vision who can’t see a thing unless its directly in front of them.

    By the way, can a one eyed person obtain a drivers licence?


    Thanks for your responses.

    Yes I can drive legally with my bionic eye!

    The day i came out of hospital i jumped in the car and took a bend to quickly as i wasnt yet skilled at judging speed/distance, that was the only incident ive had in 12 years of driving caused by having one eye, as if anything it has made me more cautious.

    I was a painter and decorator a long long time ago and could paint vertical/horizontal lines with no problem, when my colleagues closed one eye and tried itd come out diagonal, hence somekind of compensation had unknowingly taken place.

    Its a fair point that it could be viewed as being a liability on deck, though id say building sites are just as dangerous environments and along as im careful as everyone should be then there isnt really a greater risk. Ive also worked in shipyards without any problems.

    It does seem as if i can pass a medical which would cover the company for insurance im presuming, maybe my best bet is to speak to HR in a few companies to see if it would affect my employment chances.

    With regards to the quote about being a air-pilot this guy got his pilots licence a few years back with one eye.

    Ray Shields

    I wouldn’t contact companies and say "hello I can only see out of one eye could I get a job?"!

    I would get the medical and I would apply like any other person, not mentioning it in the CV. If you are lucky enough to get interviewed you can then mention it as you then have the opportunity to explain how it does not stop you working and the type of working environment you have been in in the last several years.

    Rather than someone dismiss you out of hand you then have a chance to show you can do the job. Already having the medical will also clear any doubt in their mind that you might not pass it.

    Good luck and let us know how you get on.


    there used to be a guy at sosnub singapore called boof head with only 1 brain cell

    if he can hold down a spot with a handicap like that anybody can..?

    Scott Beveridge

    there used to be a guy at sosnub singapore called boof head with only 1 brain cell

    if he can hold down a spot with a handicap like that anybody can..?


    you finally caught me out….. But I have 3 brain cells left


    A lot of ROV guys have no brains and they do OK , one eye may not prevent You from passing the medical… but dont spend big money until you are sure.


    I think Ray’s last post on this thread(soz….can’t be are-said quoting!) is possibly the most apt post I’ve seen on this site for yonks. Well said, Ray.

    Ray Shields

    I’ll join your uni0n!


    Talking about brain cells, I always take our family brain cell offshore. I almost lost it overboard once. 😯

    Scott Beveridge

    You could try Sonsub singapore.

    There used to be heaps of 1 eyed guys in the office there. It was actually an asset for them, especially when hiring other familly members, mates, the gym instuctors boy friend, the lawn mowing contractor and fraternal brothers of the masonic lodge

    Do you remember the rugby shirt days???? 😆 😆 😆 😆


    I thought with a disability like one eye he would have the advantage. Keeps the equal rights and PC figures in the office looking better.

    This day and age we cannot discriminate. Unless you are a white hetrosexual living in the UK with all your limbs intact 🙄 and a full time job then your stuffed. 🙄



    Ummmm. why are you answering a (blatant) sarcastic question DUDE? Twice?

    Carunts… hmmmmmmmm… some of you folks inside the uk seem to forget that you’ve got over 300 different dialects in such a smallish island…. Where’s that one from?

    Soz matey, I’ve been desk-bound for too long this year….I think I may be turning into a carunt. 😆


    One eye may not matter when your in the ROV shack, but never play doubles at pool with a one eyed ROV pilot, although Barrow Mafia man Tony Philipson, played really good if you stood 90 degrees to him and told him how far away from the ball the cue was. But when he chased you round the ship with his glass eye out, it was a frightening experience!!!! but then I did deserve it!!


    that sounds like a precedent to me pizzzadude ! so we have one eyed rov pilots in the market already?? that’s pretty good.

    Andy Shiers

    So , How do you turn into a carunt ?
    And is it easy to turn back ?

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