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Eyesight problem – working offshore

Home Forums General General Board Eyesight problem – working offshore

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  • #17270

    i fear the transition may be becoming permanent – tis a dangerous affliction !!

    I ain’t seen the seabed in 7 months although if you ask crover he’d prob say that’s nothin new for me !!! 😆

    Seem to have my head well and truly glued to a computer doing modelling, although unfortunately none of the type that involves boobage and gratuitious nudity.

    I’m begininng to forget what a fish looks like, hence I’ll prob go give ladyminx a ring in the not to distant future!

    where the hell are you workin these days – still out with the spinning tops ?

    Andy Shiers

    Been out in ‘Nam , Face down in the mud ! 8)
    Done my tour of duty , now back home for some RnR.
    And you ?
    I heard there are a couple of positions right up your Kiaba in the middle east 😯 Fancy working with Ragheads 😀 ?


    scot (going back a few posts now)

    the guy with the 1 brain cell (but 2 working eyes, although he couldn’t see the woods for the trees) wasn’t you…wrong country even.

    this guy was famous for the quote…..ahem ..hang on aminute, lets see if i can get the essex accent right…. here goes..ahem..

    "awww look a pink spotted gull, he’s a bit far south this time of year,,,aww,..ahh look at this spooling tangle on the winch aaawww thaaaats a deesgrace, now foward has become reverse…ahhh ..haw deed that hapeen awww"

    he was actually a safety issue with his 1 brain cell as any job you followed him on, the headsets were stretched beyond their elastic limits. They were always dropping around your ankles like a pair of whores draws and tripping you up.( he had a pretty large cranium, considering it only contained 1 cell, strange really..?)

    i heard Sonsub did the only thing possible given the circumstances and made him a supervisor………(actually i really hope that part is a joke, ..?)

    Scott Beveridge

    You could try Sonsub singapore.

    There used to be heaps of 1 eyed guys in the office there. It was actually an asset for them, especially when hiring other familly members, mates, the gym instuctors boy friend, the lawn mowing contractor and fraternal brothers of the masonic lodge


    Don’t forget Rugby players (Oops… Oz rules…) with the shirts. Or maybe you don’t go back that far….

    Re: Operating manips … "Only the shadow knows"… period, full stop, and I’m sure there’s a dump truck load of you who know what I mean…

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