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Filipino in ROV world

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Filipino in ROV world

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  • #3091
    Dong Toi pet

    I heard that ther is some cumpanys in UK ar takin on Filipinos as trainee ROV pilot Tech.I hav no experince but I have tryed to read the books.I was told there is 2 major cumpanys in that is takin us on.Can any one help!!!




    I think in the current climate your question would be as welcome as a fart in an astronaut suit.)
    Ask gibbo at Subsea 7 he loves cheap labour
    Its just the beginning(of the end) 😕

    James McLauchlan

    I heard that ther is some cumpanys in UK ar takin on Filipinos as trainee ROV pilot Tech.I hav no experince but I have tryed to read the books.I was told there is 2 major cumpanys in that is takin us on.Can any one help!!!



    I have herd dat sum UK ROV person try to write in bad engrish to pretind beeing from Philipine to wind up other hoinest UK ROV worker.

    He not hidden well as I see much easily that he post from UK provider of internet access: demon.co.uk

    I not laugh it him but think he shuld not be working in North Sea for such bad engrish he use!


    haha nice one!
    He is probably from Torry, where that would be considered a quite adept use of the English language haha
    Still James, why not banish him for being a cheeky git!!! 😀

    Scott Beveridge


    I got your help right here!

    QED, Websters, spelcheque, Google……. And if you want to learn how to drive a rice harvester……

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