Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner First Trip Offshore – Memories

First Trip Offshore – Memories

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner First Trip Offshore – Memories

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    Does anyone here remember their first trip offshore? Good/Bad/Valuable/Funny/ memories or lessons learnt from first time out. And any tips etc ❓

    I’ve read the FAQ section which I found very useful. Just wondering whether anyone can offer more personal insights.



    Oh yes, I do remember.
    It was… romantic 😳 Day shifts with beautiful sunsets… flat sea… and somewhere there me with a green helmet, "not allowed" to touch anything, just watching and trying to remember as much as possible, learn everyday a lot of new things.


    Oh yes, I do remember.
    It was… romantic 😳 Day shifts with beautiful sunsets… flat sea…

    Sounds absolutely divine! 😯

    Any tips on what kit to pack? e.g. 5 pairs of socks and kegs? 10? How good is the laundry etc..?

    What personal possessions do people usually take on a trip? Without being too personal… 🙄 Ipads? Can you take pressurised aerosol cans like deodorant on a chopper? Those mini ones for planes prob wont last a month??!

    I’ve no experience so anything however obvious may be useful info.

    Thanks all in advance.

    Ray Shields

    Are you talking about boats or rigs?

    For rigs, better to take stick or roll on deodorant. Onboard Bond will have toiletries to buy if needed. Laundry done quickly (hand in at end of shift, done before you’re up next).

    Remember generally 12kg per bag limit and no more than 2 bags. No decent clothes, as they will all get boil washed!

    Phone, tablet, Kindle, laptop all taken offshore. Hard drives of movies (and other ‘stuff’).

    Boats can vary significantly in laundry or bond facilities.


    Cheers rayshields

    I’m talking about boats. Laundry sounds efficient, so from what you say I guess no need for more than 3x sets of clothes. 1x On shift, 1x In wash + 1x spare/transit…?

    Silly question, do you get towels? 😕

    Ray Shields

    Yes, you get towels and usually soap, as I said ships can vary from having to do your own laundry to someone doing it. Trackies etc for lounging about in offshift is normal.

    Allow for socks and small items disappearing so maybe a couple extra of them 🙂 A lot of laundries have a box or bag with assorted leftover clothes!

    Some kind of crocs or flipflops too although some places do not allow any footwear that does not have a strap or support over the back of heel due potential to trip hazards going up and down stairs etc.

    When joining vessels you tend to walk on/off them so bag weight limit is not usually such a problem.

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