Home Forums General Guess what I’ve just heard/read? Fugro Aberdeen Taking on ROV Trainees

Fugro Aberdeen Taking on ROV Trainees

Home Forums General Guess what I’ve just heard/read? Fugro Aberdeen Taking on ROV Trainees

  • This topic has 9 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 18 years ago by STU.
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  • #341
    Ray Shields

    Fugro Rovtech in Aberdeen are now inviting old and new applicants for their next ROV intake which will be at the end of this year/January 2007.

    See previous posts for contact details and addresses etc.


    Could you possibly give some info as into the sort of people they are taking on are they looking for skilled tradesman, people just out of college with NC/HNC/degree type qualifacations or people they can train from scratch?

    One of my collegues got taken on recently by either sonsub or fugro for a trainee position he did have some hydraulic experiance from many moons ago but our job certainly has very little to do with either offshore or mech/tech stuff.

    Daddy dear[ offshore veteran] has informed me the only thing applicable would be working with sexual deviants and the ability to put up with endless abuse. I did have to remind him that all 3 of his children[ now grown up] still suffer from horrific flashbacks when they come accross disneys snow white and george orwells animal farm due to his inability to check films he brought home to us when we were young and innocent.

    His only other bit of advice was not to join my brother in mudlogging as they are the big girls of offshore work.

    Ray Shields

    Well, in the case of Fugro, they are mainly looking for people with a trade or relevant industrial experience. e.g. ex Forces, time served mechanics, electricians etc.

    You dont have to know anything about offshore or any offshore experience, ROVs are electrical, mechanical and hydraulic pieces of equipment. They want people who know how to work on these systems – the fact that they are on an ROV is just a matter of getting to know that particular kind of equipment.

    That is not to say that people with little actual experience will not be taken on. relevant HNC/HND/NVQ/SVQs will also stand a good chance.

    For info, they will probably be taking 8 on – the lats time 200 odd people applied.

    I would urge prople wanting to apply to read the FAQ on the site here on how to write your CV, it really will make a lot of difference to whether you end up in the maybe pile or straight into the no.


    Hi Ray,
    Why don’t you apply as at present you couldn’t fit a nut in a monkeys mouth


    I wonder if it is part of the training programs for Ray to show the trainees staying in the company house at Regent Walk his half naked wife on his webcam,
    What a guy, what commitment


    Hi retermman,
    I was present at the alleged incident and it shows waht a true weirdo Mr Shields is I wonder if his wife knows he showed the boys her in a compromising position, still if it wasn’t for sick perverted wierdos how would the rest of us know we were normal


    Reterm man and mrv5fan

    Please avoid making unsubstantiated comments of a personal nature on this open website, especially ones referring to an individuals family.

    I have no idea whether or not the comments are true or not and I don’t even know the guy. I’m sure he is able to stand up for himself, and he does use his own name on the website. However, it is bad form to post comments about named individuals, and particularly their family members – imagine if said person happened to read about herself on this site and was not aware. Even if you don’t like the guy, no reason to involve his family. Please use some common sense and decency.



    Im right with you…. personal abuse is just F&*£ing rude!!!Ive mainly used this site for information and not really made many posts. Ive read a fair amount of negativity on the site towards newbies but everyones allowed their own opinion. The info Ray puts in is pretty good and is appreciated by myself and others. I may be a newbie however I have the common dog to make up for what I lack in mechanical knowledge. Not to mention the other skills the military teach you….and for todays lesson…MANNERS!!

    By the way shitty attitudes/comments eventually catch up with ya.

    James McLauchlan

    Action is being taken on the crappy posts and the users.

    ROvworld Admin


    Im right with you…. personal abuse is just F&*£ing rude!!!Ive mainly used this site for information and not really made many posts. Ive read a fair amount of negativity on the site towards newbies but everyones allowed their own opinion. The info Ray puts in is pretty good and is appreciated by myself and others. I may be a newbie however I have the common dog to make up for what I lack in mechanical knowledge. Not to mention the other skills the military teach you….and for todays lesson…MANNERS!!

    By the way shitty attitudes/comments eventually catch up with ya.

    Very well said that man. As a newbie I feel that this forum and its owners do a very good job. There is no need to be knocking new people unless you feel threatened enough that you may lose your job to a more willing and highly motivated newbie. Insecurity will only hold you back.


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