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Fugro – Rovtech pay rates?

Home Forums ROV ROV Pay Rates Fugro – Rovtech pay rates?

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  • #9191
    Ray Shields

    P45 was issued as staff were transferred from one company to another, meaning different payrolls, different tax references etc.

    You will still only get one P60, all details transfer from one company to another.

    An interesting note is that if you look in this months payslip, there is no pension. Transferred staff now appear to be in no Fugro pension schemes…



    Hope thats not a sign of things to come and just a slip up with the pension.

    Ray Shields


    Hope thats not a sign of things to come and just a slip up with the pension.

    Appears there is no change in pensions – they tell me that I only pay pension on offshore earnings and thats always been the case. Now chasing up why that is!

    Ian Stephen


    patience is a virtue my friend, the pay rise will come, just sit back and think of the backpay that will come your way!!!! i heard that it took over 12 months for the fugro/thales harmo, so there may still be a long way to go 😉


    Do you really think that Rovtech are going to up there rates to come in line with Fugro?
    I think not, you may find out that you have already been well and truely

    J Deans

    If the Rovtech people didnt walk when they got paid the same money before the buyout, why are they whinging they are being hard done by now.

    I hear from my mates that the ex Rovtech people now have more holidays, better sickness cover, are paid door to door etc. they have already benefited a lot from the takeover.

    Why should the company pay everyone the same – they never have in the past. Even back before the takeover Fugro people were all on different money – you could line up 6 Supervisors and they would all be on 6 different rates of pay.

    Dont waste your breath threatening to leave. Either leave or dont, they have heard the threat before and it didnt work then.

    And what about the Fugro guys, yes they got a payrise last year but they have now all been overtaken by other companies, what have they got out of receiving a P45 and dragged over to Rovtech without a by your leave? What payrise are THEY getting?

    Best you all just come over here to Technip, its much better working for a French firm than a Dutch one 😀 We have no Sealions or cheapy Singapore FCVs!



    its not as simple as that the grading was so different , fugro have same names with bigger levels , the tables show the highest figure so for a senior pilot fugro is equivalant of sub engineer with the rovtech scale..

    fugro dont have all the different names,off shore manager and other grandosy titles that rovtech used , wait till after the end of the financial year (my guess, but i doubt it) they are going to have some juggling to do.

    dont fall into this why are we not getting the same money shite, not untill all the working out is done.

    the reason rovtech vehicles are on technip ships is we were/ are cheaper than there own …. possibley due to reliabilty as well.

    also yes some did get a pay rise almost immediately , not a lot but a start.



    correct me if i’m wrong but i was always led to believe that rovtech had subs on technip vessels because a few years ago when rovtech were struggling, technip realised that if rovtech subs didn’t have work then they wouldn’t be able to pay PSSL the tick they had on them?


    ha ha ha!

    nope! nice story considering most of the vehicles (most frequent) were the seaeye obs vehicles and latterly seaeye workclass…

    you honestly think technip give a rats ase about another company and will employ them over themselves , ah see where this line of thought with technip owning PSSL… nah great story not true though


    Like i said "was led to believe" but i am thinking back to Olympians and Centurions. And i do think Technip are like that, they want paid for what they sell as much as anyone does.
    Like you say good story though, thought you might of heard it before beeining a Rovtech jockey?
    Hope things go well with the harmonisation, heard things were a bit of a ball ache with the last two? Or was it three? that the poor b******s have been through.



    its a joke really its all about my balls are bigger than your balls from the top down…. (sorry lass’es)

    get a boxing ring in the yard , or some handbags and fluffy teddy bears


    rovtech had 1 olympian no centurians and 7 or 8 spartans depending on the market…

    really you think technip would pay rovtech so that rovtech would pay them , woah pig just flew by!!!! santas not real either i’m afraid…. its st nicholas…………



    get a boxing ring in the yard , or some handbags and fluffy teddy bears

    i’ll bring the handbag 🙄


    you wont need to …..

    enough will have their own!


    cheers for the correction misiuek, i ment spartans i think??????


    Maybe it’s time to say "stuff the harmonisation, let me know what my new contract is going to be". If they don’t or can’t tell you, move to another company that offers what you want, or go freelance. Let’s face it, there are many good deals out there at the moment. Why wait 12 months (like the Thales harmonisation) only to realise there was no benefit in waiting for it to be sorted out!

    Most people in Rovtech will have completed their contracted days by now, what would happen if everyone said they weren’t prepared to do extra days unless the contracts are finally sorted out? Mind you, there’s always the ones who would work 365 days a year if they could!

    I guess if you’re not happy, move!!!

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