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Fugro Trainee Pilot Tech Positions

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Fugro Trainee Pilot Tech Positions

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  • #33742
    John Bridgett

    Hi all, i was interviewed on friday and woke up on saturday to a letter with an offer of employment! It was last feb i applied so was shocked that i was even offered an interview!

    I told them upfront that i had provisionally accepted a position with another subsea company as a mechanical tech, so they told me they would let me know asap if i was successfull.

    Im over the moon, good luck to all who are being interviewed this week and ill hopefully be seeing some of you at the beginning of march 🙂


    Well done Craig, maybe see you on the Ocean waves at some point.


    Daniel foxley

    Well done Craig, I bet it’s a real real good feeling? Hope I get that feeling too soon. Enjoy!

    Graham Starkie

    Well done fella!

    The 1st steps on a new path, all the very best mate!


    Well done Craig. Just out of interest what qualifications you got just trying to get a picture of what exactly these company’s are after. Cheers

    Craig Farquhar

    I have 10 years experience as a mechanic, city & guilds lev 3, various other electrical & hydraulic courses over the years, as i worked on alot of agricultural gear and when CAN-BUS and fibreoptics were introduced to cars I had to be trained in these areas. The past year or so I have been offshore in Denmark working as a hydraulic tech/mechanic. I know I still have lots to learn and I was very clear about this at interview, but I love a challenge and the whole subsea industry is something that fascinates me. However seeing as I applied last JAN/ FEB I’m pretty sure I had no offshore experience on my CV at that point, only motor trade experience. I honestly think it was fluke I was selected for interview, either that or I narrowly missed last years intake of trainees and they kept my cv on file…I have no idea!
    Has anyone else heard back from Interviews?
    Sorry for the essay above!

    Daniel foxley

    Your background sounds a little like mine, mechanics c&g 3.
    I then moved into electronic systems for the last 17 years with some hydraulics included, so thanks for updating us on your skills, it gives me new hope!
    I applied to Fugro for this intake but as of yet have had no reply either way.
    Don’t know quite what to make of it as I see some people have received rejection letters?
    Anyway enjoy your new start and thanks for the boost of hope!

    David Law

    Hi all,

    Has anyone else on here got one of these positions?

    John Bridgett

    Hi all,

    Has anyone else on here got one of these positions?

    I was in the last intake last year. I know of one other trainee starting 11th March.

    Mihai Fratila

    Hi all, i was interviewed on friday and woke up on saturday to a letter with an offer of employment! It was last feb i applied so was shocked that i was even offered an interview!

    I told them upfront that i had provisionally accepted a position with another subsea company as a mechanical tech, so they told me they would let me know asap if i was successfull.

    Im over the moon, good luck to all who are being interviewed this week and ill hopefully be seeing some of you at the beginning of march 🙂


    So ,where to send a CV Craig?I just finished my training ,have my diploma.now I need a job as a trainee..can anybody help me?

    John Bridgett

    Hi all, i was interviewed on friday and woke up on saturday to a letter with an offer of employment! It was last feb i applied so was shocked that i was even offered an interview!

    I told them upfront that i had provisionally accepted a position with another subsea company as a mechanical tech, so they told me they would let me know asap if i was successfull.

    Im over the moon, good luck to all who are being interviewed this week and ill hopefully be seeing some of you at the beginning of march 🙂


    So ,where to send a CV Craig?I just finished my training ,have my diploma.now I need a job as a trainee..can anybody help me?

    Diploma in ?

    Experience in ?


    Ray Shields


    you said on another thread you were offered a position with Bibby but turned it down. I’m afraid you cannot afford to be picky, you should have taken the job if only for a year or two just to get experience on your CV.

    michael kilby

    See you folks monday or Sunday if you are staying in the company house.


    Daniel foxley

    Good luck and enjoy guys.
    I’m up in Aberdeen myself on my training with a different company, I’m loving it.

    Mark Smith

    Yeah, hope everyone who got one of these positions enjoys it. I was too slow off the mark to even apply for one of them before the closing date haha. Good luck guys, I’m sure it’ll be great.

    damian archbold

    hi guys just out of interest how often are the intakes for the major companies, im due to leave royal navy at the end of the year my background is minewarfare. i pilot and maintain military ROV’s as well as sonar and electronic systems.

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