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FugroRovtech lose another one

Home Forums General Industry News Updates & Discussions FugroRovtech lose another one

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    A Sealion (?) rov apparently. But does the client still have their Mojo….!?

    James McLauchlan

    FYI FugroRovtech no longer exist. The company was renamed a while back to Fugro Subsea Services Ltd.

    Still doesn’t detract from the sub being lost though 🙁

    James McLauchlan

    The North Sea Giant working off Eday. Photo – Allan Welsh


    Second one I’ve heard about in as many days……..

    Although I don’t know the exact circumstances, I am not surprised. Busy times, not enough experience/ competence offshore so lots of positions being filled with less able/ qualified bodies. Plenty of jobs going t*ts up and guys being run off at moment…….. staggered at positions of some people who shouldn’t even be offshore………

    Glad to sit on the beach and knock back jobs for the summer…….. 8)

    Stay Safe


    Andy Shiers

    😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😛

    Scott Beveridge

    Peanuts = Monkeys !!!!

    Craig Thorngren

    Although I don’t know the exact circumstances, I am not surprised. Busy times, not enough experience/ competence offshore so lots of positions being filled with less able/ qualified bodies…


    If you don’t know the circumstances, how can you say it’s because of lack of experience or competence???




    Most mistakes are through lack of equipment knowledge and/ or operational experience which leads to errors in judgement, risk taking etc eventually resulting in something going wrong.

    I can never understand how a sub can be lost if correct prcedures and adequate operational experience prevails.

    I won’t write it off as a pure accident by a third party as I have experienced being trapped by a drill-string that was not torqued correctly and subsequently came apart, landing on the subs’ tether. But this still results from poor equipment knowledge and/ or lack of experience on the rig.

    Feel free to comment.


    Andy Shiers

    90 % of ROV breakdowns is down to human error , Either bad flying or bad maintenance………………. The other 10 % is bad procedure 😀

    James McLauchlan

    Whether K2 has direct knowledge of that particular incident or not, the idea behind his post is credible.

    The industry is stretched. People with little experience are being promoted well beyond their operational experience.

    Over the next couple of years I would suggest that incidences such as this will become more common place.

    Scott Beveridge

    This industry is indeed stretched… too many jobs I’ve seen where one person (usually the supv.) is stuck doing EVERY facet of the shift tasks. 14 to 15 hr. shifts are commonplace on jobs like this until management get the "drag up" crapogram from said personnel… Sadly, the usual way to end it until the next sucker is hired.


    That is becoming a driving school. This year in every job, I have seen one or two new guys.

    But in the other hand, are great news for the agencies.


    Pity they did not have a Sonotronics long range pinger mounted on it. these are low cost, depth rated to 3000m with a range of 4km. and cost less than $800.

    more details at http://www.ruco.co.uk

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