Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Further research and broaden my cv

Further research and broaden my cv

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Further research and broaden my cv

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  • #6484
    Jamie hill

    Now this may sound very bigoted towards ex forces so please do not take any of this with any malice intended in the very least.

    I recently spoken to afew contacts within the industry today and found that alot of the applicants are ex forces. I was at college while studying my HNC and HND and encountered many RAF workers. Don’t get the wrong end of the stick, they were great guys and applied themselves in a great manor. There is alot of negativity within my small minded hometowns towards the workers at the RAF base of which I’m not part of and still keep in contact with a couple of them. Anyway, all this aside. If my technical ability and qualifications (HND & Modern apprenticeship) are the same as there’s. The only difference would be that I am roughly half there age then how is it that they are more suited to this job than me? (and others like me?).

    Like I said this isn’t me "having a go" it’s just a general question.

    As always all feedback is greatly appreciated. Many thanks.


    None taken mate!

    Experience is what they have on their side, not to mention the usual core values associated with the military which most people do not have…..


    None taken by me either.
    I work offshore in my post military career (not on ROVs though).
    The company I work for loves ex military. The military life is very similar to offshore life. The words used by my OIM was that he liked ex forces because "you know what you’re getting".
    Also, as the previous poster wrote, it’s all about experience. Don’t forget that no-one, except the forces, has been training engineers for the past couple of decades.
    Having said that, the pool of military personnel is shrinking fast and so younger non military guys will be needed.
    Good luck

    Jamie hill

    Thanks guys. Any suggestions on things i can do to broaden my chances other than perhaps joining RAF? Id very much rather not. But like most people on here im willing to do most things.

    damian archbold

    I wouldn’t join the RAF try the Royal Navy, my background is mine warfare core role of my job is piloting military Rov’s (15 years experience and offshore at that just on warships not normal ships) that’s where my experience is. Good luck


    Ahh skimmers, nothing but targets. The real life is on Subs the true fighting machines.

    Only kiddin yeah got to love those skimmers.

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