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Getting foot in Door

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Getting foot in Door

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    Wade Berglund


    I have been a member of this forum since July and have been monitoring the comments, reading the FAQ’s, redoing my CV (resume) and gleaming facts and information for attempting to start work as an ROV pilot/technician.
    I have sent off my CV to the big companies such as Acergy, Oceaneering, Canyon-Helix, Fugro, I-Tech/Subsea7, Sonsub, and Technip. With very luke warm response (because I have no ROV experience). I realize that this is the hard part of getting into the ROV industry. I have also reviewed links on the IMCA website and sent my CV to other companies listed there.
    I am internationally certified as an Electronics Engineering Technician (C.Tech) that has the equivalency as an HND. I have 22yrs of experience in the Canadian Navy as an Electronics Technician (Sonar) working on complex sonar systems, navigational aids, gyros, echo sounders, system data buses, computers, fiber optics, and weapons telemetry. Being a submariner I am very familiar with High pressure/low pressure control systems, hydraulics, DC/AC power systems and machinery.
    I am willing and able to work in any country, if given the chance.
    I know that the ROV industry is hurting for trained technicians but it appears to be impossible to get my foot in the door. If you folks have any positive or constructive suggestions, advice or pointers I would be very grateful.

    Thank you


    Have you tried contacting any of the agencies? Proffs, UKPS, Subserv Pro, Omega… etc.. it might be easier to get a foot inside, thru an agency.
    Best of luck to you! 🙂


    Target companies in Canada.

    Its a case of basic economics UK based companies will see similiar qualified and experienced prospective trainees from the UK and would prefere to take them on. Don’t forget they all have budgets to adhere to and would see bringing a guy over from Canada as a huge cost than someone from the UK. This would go for the States also.
    When you gain experience, knowledge and reputation this will change, but as a trainee target your country first.
    Best of luck

    Wade Berglund

    To Octane, thanks for the info about the agencies. I will try them, but as SGB said I should target companies in Canada. The problem being is that there are limited companies in Canada that offer ROV services. There are a few in Nova Scotia, such as Dominion Diving etc, but they are very localized. I know that the off shore industry in Atlantic Canada is gearing up…but that involves most big companies like Oceaneering, SonSub, Geo Century. So the same problem crops up, most of the big companies want trained ROV personnel rather than trainee’s. I am in a bit of a catch-22.
    I understand that economics come into play, but it is cheaper to fly from the UK to Halifax (199 quid) than it is to fly from Halifax to Toronto, or to Vancouver.
    Thanks for your advice, mates.

    Any other information would be great!


    J Deans

    If you are serious, move to where the companies are. As you said, its economics. If you want the work you have to move. Once you have a couple of years experience you can easily move back to Canada and then get work overseas.

    Octane_nor – why do you suggest someone with ZERO rov experience apply to the ROV Agencys who hire out EXPERIENCED personnel.

    If you had a company and an Agency said here you go here is a guy who knows nothing about ROVs, you pay us NOK4000 a day and you can have him, you would soon tell them where to stick their offer!

    Wade Berglund

    Good Morning Dino

    Thanks for the advice. Where would you suggest I move? I did live in the UK from 2000-2004 and was working with the Royal Navy and reactivated the UPHOLDER submarine to the CHICOUTIMI (VICTORIA class).
    I am very serious about getting a job in the ROV industry. But don’t I need to get a work visa to live/work in the UK? If I get one wouldn’t it be dependant on getting a job? Therefore I am right back where I was before…a trained technician, no work and no visa.
    I know that most (90%) of the ROV personnel in this forum put no weight or credence on the ROV courses being run in FW or elsewhere, so I wont throw my money away doing that.
    If I am not seeing something please point it out to me. I have searched the FAQ and the Rookine ROV section of the forum.




    There is also Geo Century in St Johns, Newfy.

    ROV + SURVEY I believe.

    Hot Stab

    Hi Trimtank

    bumped into a aussie ROV pilot at a HUET course, and he told me, that how he got into the industry was that he jumped in a plane and went to Singapore and knocked on doors.
    He had good quailifications like yourself, and they took him on straight away. Said he worked in the base for a month and then went offshore.
    They now fly him back and forward from Oz.
    Also bumped into a Canadian ROV pilot living in Indonesia, but working in Asia. Said he was about to move back to Canada

    Good luck



    Dino, most agencies are now pumping out trainees to the companies, i think the companies just want bums on seats to fill contract places.

    Trimtank, so its worth approaching them for a foot in the door, ive seen four trainees from agencies in the last 6 months.



    Trimtank, if you are worth your salt in this industry, you’ll be flown from anywhere on the planet, bar none. That is not a hollow statement either. However, you have to go through all the trainee shite + luggage, to get to that level. Your problem is that you know damn well that you will be there sometime in the future(near); but getting there is your first hurdle. Take heed of any advice to get on a plane and knock on doors! It works wonders. After that you can consider where to move to if necessary. My advice would be to be a fly-to boy right now, or send me a PM and I’ll see what I can do. You did say anywhere didn’t you?!!


    C’mon Baron,

    Don’t send him to Africa man, thats just not nice 😉

    Be good


    If you are serious, move to where the companies are. As you said, its economics. If you want the work you have to move. Once you have a couple of years experience you can easily move back to Canada and then get work overseas.

    Octane_nor – why do you suggest someone with ZERO rov experience apply to the ROV Agencys who hire out EXPERIENCED personnel.

    If you had a company and an Agency said here you go here is a guy who knows nothing about ROVs, you pay us NOK4000 a day and you can have him, you would soon tell them where to stick their offer!

    Some agencys are from time to time looking for trainees…

    J Deans

    Some agencys are from time to time looking for trainees…

    Why? What do they do with them, do they train them? Why would anyone want to HIRE a trainee from an Agency??

    Please tell me which Agencys so I can avoid them like the plague!


    Hey Trimtank,

    As an ex Canadian Navy Commtech I can feel your frustration. Luckily for me I was able to get sponsorship for the ROV course at MI in St. John’s. Everyone off my course has been offered employment with some working now and the rest including myself waiting for initial training from the company.

    I am not sure of you’re stsus as a retiree, but sponsorship for a training course is something you may want to look into. Unfortunately MI only runs one course a year in September now. I know Oceaneering is not going to be hiring locally until Hebron gets going and Geo is still waiting for delivery of vessels.

    I thought location might have been a problem but any dayrater or someone working who is hired by one of the major players, it is a nonissue.

    Keep plugging away and with your background, you should get something eventually. I think March is when things pick up a bit also, at least that is when an agency said to follow up.

    Hope this helps a bit.


    Wade Berglund

    Good Morning Everyone.. I appreciate all of the advice, pointers, PM’s and contacts. It will help.

    Baron I sent you a PM.

    Please if other Canadians have advice please post it, or anyone that has more information don’t stop.

    This forum is actually working in this situation..

    Thank you all



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