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Getting foot in Door

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Getting foot in Door

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  • #14638
    Wade Berglund


    I got a flurry of replies from the placement agencies that Octane gave to me. They were very nice in their responses and wished me luck. But they do not "normally" place trainees for clients. Some even gave me companies to contact directly, guess who? All of the main players such as "Acergy, Oceaneering, Canyon-Helix, Fugro, I-Tech/Subsea7, Sonsub, and Technip".

    You are all correct, this is a sure struggle that is a character builder and an endurance test for determination.

    I just wanted to let you all know what was going on with the agencies.



    James McLauchlan

    Some agencys are from time to time looking for trainees…

    Why? What do they do with them, do they train them? Why would anyone want to HIRE a trainee from an Agency??

    Please tell me which Agencys so I can avoid them like the plague!

    Hey Dino

    It’s been known. Some companies request trainees from agencies and will sometimes hire those that have done a trip or two.

    All the best
    James Mc

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