Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Global Marine Training – Accomodation recommends

Global Marine Training – Accomodation recommends

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Global Marine Training – Accomodation recommends

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    I am hopefullly attending a 3 week ROV Course at Global Marine, Poole, UK during the early part of 09. Has anyone trained with this company and recommend suitable accomodation in the ares.


    Did the course, accom depends on your budget, if you want something simply and cheap, the bunker is a great little spot, is actually a dive bunkhouse but cheap (think it was £12 for the bed if you bring your own sleeping bag) and family run, book early if anywhere near a bank holiday.
    There is a youth hostel nearby as well if I remember correctly, otherwsie B&B starts at somewhere like the Breakwater hotel at £30+ a night, so can add up over a 3 week period! If you’re not taking a car, take a bike nice cycleway into Weymouth to occupy weekends.
    Hope this helps, Nigel and Andy are great trainers and I found the course worthwhile, even with 15+ years mech/hyd/elec experience, has paid me back the investment in one tour offshore, BUT ONLY IF YOU HAVE A GOOD TECHNICAL BACKGROUND WILL YOU REALLY HAVE A CHANCE OF WORK….. I write that for all the guys thinking of paying good money for a course!! The background has to be strong….
    Best of luck, oh and the lunchwagon in the port is pretty good too!!


    Yep did a course there to and am now in work, really good place to learn and you get to do a lot of practical work on parts of a work class vehicle which is very good.

    In Portland the breakwater is probably a good place to eat to, the Hotel Aqua is not that great, and the Cove is overpriced for small portions but is ok – good place to drink though with some great scenery.

    I stayed in the breakwater at £25 per night for a 3 week deal. Good course, good people and they set me up well with good advice on how to get into the industry. But i’d echo warthog’s comments:


    Saying that, however i do believe that the knowledge i gained about ROVs through this course gave me much more confidence in the interviews i had and allowed me to correctly relate my previous experience to the various technical aspects of an ROV. So the course was well worth it and I believe made the difference in me getting into the industry with a good trainee position.


    Thanks for the replies and my apologies for not replying sooner. I am finishing a 24 year stint in the Navy as a Artificer (Engineeering tech) so with the associated paper qualifications, and hands on system / electronic engineering plus over 12 years at sea I am trying to be posotive. Once again, thanks for the hjelp.



    When you go to GMSL try and contact Mike Simons. He’s an ex RN CCMEA so will be able to give you some pointers. He works in the office so he should be easy to get hold of. There’s plenty of ex RN guys in the ROV industry so you’ll have no problems. Good luck.



    Did the course, accom depends on your budget, if you want something simply and cheap, the bunker is a great little spot, is actually a dive bunkhouse but cheap (think it was £12 for the bed if you bring your own sleeping bag) and family run, book early if anywhere near a bank holiday.
    There is a youth hostel nearby as well if I remember correctly, otherwsie B&B starts at somewhere like the Breakwater hotel at £30+ a night, so can add up over a 3 week period! If you’re not taking a car, take a bike nice cycleway into Weymouth to occupy weekends.
    Hope this helps, Nigel and Andy are great trainers and I found the course worthwhile, even with 15+ years mech/hyd/elec experience, has paid me back the investment in one tour offshore, BUT ONLY IF YOU HAVE A GOOD TECHNICAL BACKGROUND WILL YOU REALLY HAVE A CHANCE OF WORK….. I write that for all the guys thinking of paying good money for a course!! The background has to be strong….
    Best of luck, oh and the lunchwagon in the port is pretty good too!!

    I am looking to get into the industry. I have an extensive background as an Electrical & Controls Technician. Do you think it is worth doing the ROV course as a lot of people on this site are saying there is no point and I should go straight to the Employers. Did the course and staff help you secure a job?

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