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GoM Operators?

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner GoM Operators?

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    Hello All,

    Could anyone be so kind as to throw out some names of the operators/companies that operate in the GoM, and perhaps some that never do? I’d like to target my search for employers that have a better chance of hiring a Yankee 😉

    On a more broad question, I have a friend who is an ETO for Technip, and he said that a large percentage of the people he works with on ships (pipelaying) in the GoM aren’t American, so I wonder if my geographical area is a hinderance for ROV work?



    Try Chouest Innvoations (C.I.)


    Delta Marine


    Canyon Helix


    Subsea Seven I-Tech


    and of course Oceaneering


    I started out in the G.O.M. 16 years ago and then progressed to working all over the world. It shouldn’t matter if your in the GOM or overseas…..except the pay of course. Also something to think about. A lot of the guys that are foreigners working in the G.O.M. are contract hands or their companies are a foreign company working in the GOM. The contractors don’t work for any one company. They contract out to the ROV companies for a certain job and/or a certain amount of time and then the next job they sign up for they might find themselves working for a different company on the other side of the globe. Most of the guys and gals working in the GOM are U.S. citizens for the most part and they are permanently employed with a company located in the U.S. The U.S. companies will mainly work in the U.S., or at least their U.S. division will. But even some of the U.S. hands will be contract hands. Better money but most of the time they don’t get the benefits that go along with being a perm. employee for the company. If the U.S. companies have work overseas they will send you there if you are qualified for the job at hand usually if they don’t have a division in that area of the world to do the job. I myself requested an intra company transfer so I could work overseas and make more money. You just have to weigh the pros and cons for which ever fits your unique situation.


    Awesome, thank you. I’ve been pestering CI, Canyon, and SS7, but I haven’t talked to Delta yet..

    I’d like to eventually move to working world wide, that’s part of the draw of this field. But do you think I’m too far off base thinking that (primarily) European companies might pick up a US trainee? Guys like Bibby, Hallin, etc. Does that ever happen?

    Does Fugro work in the US? It seems they are looking for mostly geophysical and survey people..

    Ray Shields

    Fugro in the GOM already have agreements with other ROV companies so generally do not do ROV work in GOM.

    I know this is a global industry but with so many people trying to get into the industry why would companies take on people who live so far from their place of work.

    If you moved to europe then you may have a better chance with them. But of course you would also require a work visa.

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