Whitin a couple of days I’ll get an answear about wheter I will be taken on as a Trainee on a company. They recently bought a rov and will start working soon. I don’t know so very much about what my role in this should be (trainee has been mentioned and rov pilot, I’ll bet you all know what that is, I dont) or what kind of jobs they are going to do.
I’m tired on school right now and I felt that it seemed to suit me very well (been studying to software engineer, think i prefere being out in the field..). I like beeing out at sea, advanced technology and what do you call it drive vehicles either fast or whith precision (I’ve got some professional experience).
I’ve been working for this company from and then for some time with other things (I wont mention their name, yet…). They usually do things whitin bathymetry and positioning etc.
Does this seem like a good opportunity? Would I have some kind of furure/ career possibilitys. What should one earn?
Thanks for all answears:!: