Home Forums General Guess what I’ve just heard/read? Hallin Marine on the Ernest Shackleton

Hallin Marine on the Ernest Shackleton

Home Forums General Guess what I’ve just heard/read? Hallin Marine on the Ernest Shackleton

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  • #1452
    Ray Shields

    Does anyone know what work is planned for the 2 Lynxes and Quantun ROV that Hallin are putting onto the Ernest Shackleton? What projects, what sector etc.

    My brother works in the galley on there and I need to let him know so that Galley Radio has the most up to date information (as they usually do!!) 😀


    The shackleton is usually used by Acergy for the BP platform inspections in the summer. So its all over the North sea and includes Norway.
    Usually 1 workclass and 2 eyeballs and only 10 rov guys. 😕



    Ray Shields

    Acergy have subcontracted the Shackleton to Hallin for 100 days. It is having a Quantum or Quasar plus 2 Lynx mobbed onboard I think next week.

    I was wondering if anyone knew what specific work they were going to do.

    Paul Bond

    If your brother really worked in the galley then he would already know what is happening. Sounds like you are sniffing about the opposition to me lol.

    Ray Shields

    If I worked for the opposition it wouldnt really help as contracts would already be in place months ago. And I think Fugro have more than enough work on just now they dont need me to find them any more.

    And, yes he does, which is why I wanted to find out so I could tell him so that Galley Radio don’t lose their reputation 😀

    Last time I worked on the Shackleton was when it was called the Polar Queen and that was in 1996. We had 5 a side football set up in one hold and Badmington in the other!


    It’s the same contract they have done for the past few years…………………………….
    5 a side was gone the year i was on as the control shacks were in 1 hold.Nice gym in the other though!
    Plus mad Jules to keep the troops happy!!!


    All the Quantums Hallin have are in India and the smaller Quasars are all offshore as well.

    As I understand it they are hiring in a XLS vehicle probably from ISS and putting a couple of Lynx systems on the vessel as well.

    I do not know the workscope and to be honest since it is going to be in the north sea I am not that interested but if I find out I will let you know Ray.

    Just let your brother know Hallin use a few Brazillians who tend to eat a lot and also if they run out of tea bags the crew will down tools.

    As everyone knows ROV’S run on tea not oil….. 😀


    As everyone knows ROV’S run on tea not oil…..

    I’ll second that!

    Anyone have a contact (Ops manager or similar) for Hallin please?
    PM if you want.




    So they have 2 xls and a trencher and they are looking for P/T, sub eng, supervisors and superinintendos? So have they no guys or are they expanding with a few more systems on order?? 😀


    same old sharn the vessel has been doing for Acergy for the last ???years, BP platform inspection, Northern Sector, Southern Sector, Norwegian Sector etc. Run with 10 men to cover 3 vehicles. I take it your bro has just started on there as the BAS guys are well drilled in the summer survey season, they hate it as the vessel obviously goes dry while on the Acergy contract. But that doesn’t stop good old Jules from keeping the troops entertained, nutter. No sports now after a few injuries. Good old BP.

    Ray Shields

    No he’s been on there a good few years now, but with Hallin coming on instead of Acergy they thought the work might be different.


    Anyone have a contact (Ops manager or similar) for Hallin please?
    PM if you want.

    Check your PM’s mate


    Could be wrong, probably am but I was under the understanding the vessel is still chartered by Acergy it’s just that Hallin are replacing ISS as the supplier of the vehicles and operators( they have supplied the vehicles and crew for last 2 years) possibly the survey kit as well, BP inspection contract still run by Acergy though. Hallin 3rd party.

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