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    Michael Calverley

    I am looking for a trainee position at the moment and have been looking through this site, I have to say there is a lot of good information on here.

    Saves me having to ask the same old questions anyway! 🙂

    Roy Simson

    Hi Mike

    Sorry we seem to have left you out in the cold with your questions , Well first of all " Do Not Do a Rov Course " if you have the right back ground many of the Rov operators will hire you and put you through there own in-house training programs .So if you have experience in electronics or hydraulics you stand a good chance of getting in , But please note there are many thousands of other guys the same as you and a hand full of jobs , Plus if you do get in Rov personnel are paid very low money these days so you might be better at looking at some other job .

    But should you want to follow the dream of Rov work as many do you have to do about 14 hours on the computer searching as no body is going to bang on your front door with job , Spend time looking at the archives on this site , ROV Rookie Corner , Thousands of people the same as you have ask the same thing " How Do I get a Trainee Rov Job " There is No Secret email address or phone number that I or any other member on this can give you .

    In the end its down to You , For contact details you best go to IMCA web side and down load all there members , Then the rest is up to you .

    Good Luck


    Michael Calverley

    Hey raptor, already ahead of you on most of those, I have got quite a list of places that I am contacting, cold calling and dumping CVs on, Got a good background already, oil and gas, hydraulics, electrics mechanics etc, only weak area is electronics but working o that.

    I agree about not doing a course myself, I did go for a day at Fort William to see what the industry was like first hand and to actually have a little fly fr a Seaeye I believe it was. Little wee thing anyway.

    As with most things in oil and gas you either have to know someone or just get lucky.


    John Bridgett

    I came into the game late on in life, I did have a lot of relevant experience. I didn’t take the advice on here, I did go to Fort William for 3 weeks and within 6 weeks of finishing the course I had 6 job offers. I’m now approaching 2 years, I have over 700 hours logged and have reached senior tech level.

    If I had my time over again I would do the same. My view is that if there are. 2 identical candidates for a position but one of them had done a course, which would you choose?

    It’s a large amount of cash and you may be lucky enough to get a position without a course, depends just how lucky you feel.

    I’m offshore at the moment and 4 out of the 6 crew have all done the Fort William course.


    Roy Simson

    Its a very good story interstate but like I have said to you many times in the past I have not seen any proof that doing a Rov course will get you a Rov job.

    You are one of the lucky ones like winner the lottery many play the game and there are a few winners .Playing the lottery its only a few pounds these Rov courses are any thing from £2500 – over £12500 .

    Times are hard and every body is after your hard earned cash they take your money then run .I wonder how many guys reading this did a course then asked the school for help in finding employment ?

    If you have the right back ground in electronics or hydraulics any main line rov operator will hire you and put you through one of there own in house training programs .

    This debate has been going on for years , For guys that did a course and found a job that’s good ! I am very happy for you but there are thousands out who did a course and there still looking .


    John Bridgett

    Its a very good story interstate but like I have said to you many times in the past I have not seen any proof that doing a Rov course will get you a Rov job.

    You are one of the lucky ones like winner the lottery many play the game and there are a few winners .Playing the lottery its only a few pounds these Rov courses are any thing from £2500 – over £12500 .

    Times are hard and every body is after your hard earned cash they take your money then run .I wonder how many guys reading this did a course then asked the school for help in finding employment ?

    If you have the right back ground in electronics or hydraulics any main line rov operator will hire you and put you through one of there own in house training programs .

    This debate has been going on for years , For guys that did a course and found a job that’s good ! I am very happy for you but there are thousands out who did a course and there still looking .


    I have never said it guarantees a job and I know you’re dead against them BUT I repeat what I’ve said before, it may improve your chances. If the other guy with identical qualifications and experience but you in addition have done a course, who gets the job?

    So as Raptor says it doesn’t guarantee a job (but as little old me says it might help 😆 )

    Roy Simson

    Hi InnerState

    Please explain to this guy who did a course and who is offering his services for FREE and still cant get a trainee job :-

    Hi – I have a former marine, avail now FOR FREE (UNPAID!) ROV PILOT WORK EXPERIENCE with all nec certifications, BOSIET, MIST, Offshore Med, as well as electric, electronic and hydraulic courses.

    This is just one of the many people that I have seen on Linkedin and other rov web sites .

    Like I have said to you many times " You were in the right place at the right time "

    Please also note these courses are not mandatory If you have the right back ground in electronics or hydraulics any main line rov operator will hire you and put you through one of there own in house training programs for FREE .


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