Home Forums ROV ROV Industry Vocational Training Highly qualified TECH schools not ROV schools!

Highly qualified TECH schools not ROV schools!

Home Forums ROV ROV Industry Vocational Training Highly qualified TECH schools not ROV schools!

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  • #2891

    Hi everyone,

    Great site on ROV discussion concerning training. If I am correct, its best that to work in the industry, be a technician first then, apply for rov training second at a top notch ROV training school.

    I have been a helicopter mechanic in the military, took two years of avionics collage. When that industry layed off 1 million civil sector employees in the early 90s, could not find work. So went to a car repair shop got hired, trained my self, got layed off got hired another shop and stuck it out. Im on my third career and its getting hammered by this recession. So I am looking at something completely different.

    Out of all the technical backgrounds, what is needed most to repair the ROVs? Robotics? Hydraulics? Electrical certification/degree?

    List of Highly qualified schools?

    I live in Vancouver BC Canada

    Ray Shields

    You are there on the ROV to operate and maintain it. Many ROVs are going the way of the rest of electronics and no longer going down to component level, just change out a board etc.

    You wil not be designing hydraulic or electronic circuits, as far as I am aware Degrees tend to be more theoretical and design as opposed to learning how to use a soildering iron or use a spanner.

    Practical fault finding, use of tools and equipment, that is the important areas.

    Martin Wareham

    Try these guys ………… they’re local (ish) to you.


    They might give you a start in the workshop ❓

    Worth a try …………. 💡


    I think ROPOS have quite a small permanent team and use contractors.

    You might be better off contacting Triton in Victoria to see if they need anyone.

    They do inland Logging with ROVs.


    Tim Bulman

    I spoke with Triton Logging a year ago.
    They wanted to find an all in one electrical and hydraulics expert, work class supervisor for Malaysia for 2 to 4 months straight at $200 Cdn per day.
    Good luck there.

    North Island College is putting on an ROV course in November, in Campbell River.
    IMCA program.
    Contact Kelly Korol http://www.divesafe.com/

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