Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner I apologise i didnt RTFM!!!!

I apologise i didnt RTFM!!!!

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner I apologise i didnt RTFM!!!!

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  • #3855
    daniel hing

    AFTER posting my first post, then reading through the forum ive come to realise im every superintendants nightmare, ive no formal training or qualifications in the industry, just the burning desire to work hard and an uncle willing to open a few doors……………….well i guess my plan of action would to enroll in a part time course in foundation mechanics, hydraullics and mechanics then pursue a quick cheap course giving me a slight insight into the industry, maybe an advanced swimming course and offshore safety course? would i be right in doing this and also be a valued part of a team?

    Ray Shields

    Not sure what a swimming course would do to help get a job as an ROV pilot Technician?

    What you need as you have discovered, is technical qualifications and experience. If you do not already have this you will really struggle to 1) get a job and 2) keep a job.

    As you have realised, ROV training schools do not do it for free. They also only teach you the very basics and are not well thought of within the industry. You do NOT leave them as a Pilot Tech no matter what they tell you.

    What does your uncle do on the rig? Rigs do not generally hire ROV people direct, they hire an ROV company to carry out the work, so not sure how your Uncle would be giving you an ROV job on a rig?

    Wade Berglund

    To Pingpong

    First off good luck in your endeavours. At least you read the F**&ing Manuals or the Rookie corner/FAQ.

    Just some advice, there is a lot of nepotism in the offshore industry including ROV’s. However, it may not help you in the long run. I have known guys that have started off and either there Dad’s were mates with the boss, the brothers were Superintendents, etc, etc. The bottom line is what Rayshields has said (many times), if you do not have a technical background then you will be passed over for promotion, or just eventually let go because of your lack of skills….especially when your" Uncle" has left the company. Unless you are seriously keen, hard working, fast learner and you get along with not just your ROV crew but the other offshore staff and onshore staff…your chances are very limited.

    Sorry that is reality. Save your money, go to college and get a good trade, get some work experience and then try ROV’s when it has picked up a bit.

    Good luck and all the best.

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