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IMCA Competence

Home Forums ROV ROV Industry Vocational Training IMCA Competence

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    Toby Toselli

    Good Morning

    I’m Rov P/T Grade II and I would like to collect the upgrade for the Grade I. How I can do?
    I have to do an exam? Or before I need to collect the Competences on my Log Book?
    Thank you in advance!


    Paul Bond

    You can ‘collect’ it by completing IMCA guideline competencies or company competency requirements for that level.
    Didn’t they explain the progression where you obtained your PT2 competency?


    Toby, Toby, Toby,

    Youre making yourself look a right blenny!

    G.O.O.G.L.E ……..IMCA and MTCS….

    Dont forget to wipe…. 😯

    James McLauchlan

    Toby, Toby, Toby,

    Youre making yourself look a right blenny!

    G.O.O.G.L.E ……..IMCA and MTCS….

    Dont forget to wipe…. 😯

    That’s too much like hard work!… Just spoon feed it to me please! 😉 😀

    Andy Shiers

    Can anyone help me get a new car please , oh and where I might find the fuel cap ?

    Black Dog

    Candidates must submit the following:

    Submit a witness statement for the grade at which they want to re-certify. The witness statement must be completed by a line manager or equivalent.
    Submit valid survival and medical certificates for the region of the world in which they wo

    IMCA cert renewal

    How does MTCS verify the ‘witness statement’ ? 😕

    What is to stop your friend/father/dog just writing a ‘witness statement’ ? 😯

    I thought the Grandfathering Period had stopped ? 😯

    James McLauchlan

    How does MTCS verify the ‘witness statement’ ? 😕

    What is to stop your friend/father/dog just writing a ‘witness statement’ ? 😯

    I thought the Grandfathering Period had stopped ? 😯

    There is no regulatory body for ROV operations so the system is not administered or monitored by anyone in particular. Therefore, it is open to the types of abuse you suggest by way of your questions above.

    As it currently stands, pretty much anyone could set up an ROV company and, as a manager, sign people off as competent. Whether they were competent or not would only come up when the job is under way!!


    reference ROVworld Forum Index » General Board topic "Competency and sniff test"

    Black Dog

    I heard on the grape vine that the IMCA competencies are going to change. 😮

    Does anyone have any more info? 😯

    For Good or Bad? 😕

    James McLauchlan

    I heard on the grape vine that the IMCA competencies are going to change. 😮

    Does anyone have any more info? 😯

    For Good or Bad? 😕

    If they do change they will only change to better suit the needs of IMCA members.

    Etienne Demers

    IMCA issues guidelines that petroleum clients use.

    If an ROV operator pays their dues to IMCA, they can issue certificates.

    Its up to the operator to ensure these guidelines are met. But don’t confuse guidelines with requirements… Every company has their own view on what makes a person competent or not. This is why not one in house IMCA portfolio is identical to the next.

    Their is also nothing stopping a company from not recognizing the competency scheme from another.

    In that respect MTCS is a good alternative. Canyon uses them for instance. They still grandfather people in because of stubborn idiots like me who always snobed it because its a load of BS.

    Unfortunately petroleum clients rely heavily on IMCA to a point where they wont accept an HV cert if the IMCA logo is not on them. (true story) Or turn around competent personnel if they don’t have it. (also personal true story).

    When it starts to affect my income, its time I fall in line. But who will sign my competences if I am at the top of the ladder? Do I have to ask the trainee if I did a reterm correctly after I showed it to him? lollllll

    I guess I will ask my dog to print his paw.

    Moral of the story is, just do it now and I suggest you use MTCS.

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