Home Forums ROV ROV Work – Agency Requirements India Project

India Project

Home Forums ROV ROV Work – Agency Requirements India Project

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  • #2001

    Hi Gentlemen,

    Here I find my self again asking for your help, I have a some what urgent requirement for India. Due to the short time scale that I am working to the ideal candidate would have to be Indian and ready to move in a day or two.

    Level: Pilot Tech to Supervisor

    Contract length: 4-5 weeks
    ROV’s: Tiger & Comanche

    Please sent your CV and certs, medical etc to ben@indepthrecruitment.com.

    Thanks again,

    Ben Burns

    Office: 01342 314697
    Cell: 07501222185


    For those guys who would like to work direct for the company please contact :-
    Jussie Lammerts <J>



    Ray Shields

    Not always best to work direct for companies (especially outside of your own home country).

    And given whats happening in Mumbai dont forget to negotiate Danger Money :L

    James McLauchlan

    admin commnent
    The last two posts above this post, and below rayshields’ post, have been deleted.
    Why? Please read my comments below.

    Look people this ‘Were you here’, weren’t you there’ stuff goes nowhere.

    We had this kind of crap before and it reduces the credibility of the posters and the forum plus ultimately leads to reducing the amount of positions available being posted here. Nobody gains.

    In these times, there are plenty of people that end up working for many different companies for many different reasons. A poster should not have to explain why they have moved around a bit, nor is it anyone’s rightful business to comment on the matter.

    It’s a well know fact that many ROV people move from company to company more often than the poster being commented on here and yet that isn’t commented on, and so it shouldn’t be.


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