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Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Industry shift

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    😀 Hi, I am currently working offshore in the seismic industry as a navigator/technician and am interested in training as a rov technician. I have a degree in marine technology and a sound engineering background, mostly marine based.
    Can anyone give advice about getting started?
    P.S. are their any qualms about age? I’m 41

    Scott Beveridge

    There’s about 150 different ROV contacts, companies, and agencies that you can send your cv to. Bulk email addresses work great don’t they?

    Age doesn’t matter as long as you’re breathing and can pass your offshore medical.

    Ray Shields

    Age will be irrelevant.

    Coming from an engineering background, especially already a marine one, will help. Emphasise your engineering and technical skills, not exactly sure what you do for a marine technology degree, but anything to do with fish, mamals and the environment – forget it. Concentrate on the electrical, electronic and hydraulic side of your skills, or do courses to build up any side of this that you are weaker on.

    There is certainly no reason why you could not get a job as a trainee – we have ex-gun technician got a job with us.

    Does the company your working for currently do ROVs, is there any chance of getting a job as a trainee with them? As what Scott said, have a read through the site, have a look at Rons ROV Links site. Have a read through the FAQs on the site here as well.


    🙂 Cheers for the pointers chaps, have had a look on Ron’s site and will have a good dig through it? The degree was based around marine system technolgy and I have worked in marine engineering for most of the last 20 years. I don’t have much electronics experience but have worked on large hydraulic systems in the past (warships etc). The bummer is, the company I’m with is one of the few seismic companies that doesn’t have an ROV division, that would be too easy! One thing I could do with some advice on: are their any decent publications out there so I could do some study etc? Thanks again

    Scott Beveridge


    For a start, see the left side bar (changes daily) on this page / site and once again, Ron’s as well.

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