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Interesting article!

Home Forums General Industry News Updates & Discussions Interesting article!

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  • #6551
    James McLauchlan

    Demand for ROV Pilot Technicians Grows??? Here we go again!!

    It’s not an article based on the fact that MTCS are setting up to train loads more ROV wannabees at all is it? 😉

    The whole article is slanted towards a perceived high demand for ROV techs and suggests that the the industry is in need of qualified ROV techs. Of course no such ROV qualifaction exists as yet, but they still suggest that they can help supply them. Another cheap shot is the mention of a number of major industry players are recruiting….

    Canyon Offshore, CTC Marine, Subsea 7, Saipem and DOF Subsea all recruiting

    All of whom we know, for the North sea, it is the usal time of the year that these companies start recruiting for the following season. Nothing new there either.

    Finally.. as expected, there is no mention of the fact that the global ROV market is already flooded with low trainees (pumped out by other schools) all trying to get a look into the industry. IMHO this is yet another organisation ready to add to the ever increasing list of ROV hopefuls.

    The last thing the ROV industry needs is more hopefuls being relieved of heard earned cash and being left to fend for themselves. Sad, but true non the less.

    What the ROV industry really needs is regulation by an independent body. Not IMCA I might suggest!
    If it carries on this way rates will fall though the floor and a scaffolder will be on more money than a pilot tech!

    More about this company at: http://www.mtcs.info
    Once on their page you will read phrases such as:

    • The World Leader
    • Offshore Competence Experts
    • The world leader in subsea training and competence management
    • World leaders in nuclear industry safety training courses
    • Proven track record in Oil and Gas exploration training

    Maritime Training & Competence Solutions Ltd
    Windermere Business Centre
    Oldfield Court
    LA23 2HJ

    +44 (0)15394 40200
    +44 (0)15394 48233


    Roy Simson

    Hi James its funny we keep telling these guys please don’t waste your money on doing a course due to the amount of trainees all ready looking .

    Yes it is very busy but were on earth are you going to put a few thousand trainees .I think the schools should make every body aware that the market is just flooded with trainees , But do they " No " lets face these courses are any thing from £2500 to well over £10.000 .

    Its down in the end to the individuals doing his or her home work which is why they all seem to come to this web site and start asking questions which is fine but most answers can be found on ROV Rookie Corner FAQ or just take time to read what hundreds if not thousands of people have asked before .

    However its very clear that many have all ready made up the minds and still do a course only to join the other few thousands still looking for employment then they come on here or linkedin , There is a ongoing debate on Linkedin under the header of " ROV Market Boom "


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