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Introducing Myself

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Introducing Myself

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  • #5012
    Alex Michaelson

    Hi guys.

    As some of you may have noticed, I’ve been posting requirements for Advance Global Recruitment for the last couple of months. What I completely forgot to post was an introduction, so here goes.

    I’m Alex, and I work at Advance Global Recruitment. My role is as a candidate consultant, which means I’m the person at AGR that exists to listen to whatever our personnel have to say, and make certain that we’re always finding new opportunities for ROV workers.

    If you’re currently working with AGR, or even if not, I’d be happy to hear from you. I’m hoping to have a more active presence in ROVworld, and to learn more about how the crewmembers feel about the industry.

    Thanks for reading this far (if you have), and again, if there’s a way I can be of use, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. My contact details are in my signature.

    Kind Regards,

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