Home › Forums › General › Danger Zone! › is fiber optics ok for supper if ure really hungry???
i think they taste ok do you?up apple!!!
there not bad , but they get stuck in your gums.. bloody sore.
how do you remove them from your fingers if they stick in you when doing a re-term ? i watched a guy stick them in his finger he cound not get them out..
Mmm, is that you speaking about your own experiences in the third person again Star???
Congratulations on your first re-term by the way, you’ll be a PT 3 in no time!!!!
double bag the hands lad, I don’t think that glass powder isn’t good for your blood.
do you ken scott?
scott fa?
scott fuck all to dae wi you!
Hey lad, that is not a good experience. I have seen people ending up in hospital for only the dust. Treat them with care !!!!!!!!
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