Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Is there a genuine requirement for ROV pilot techs?

Is there a genuine requirement for ROV pilot techs?

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Is there a genuine requirement for ROV pilot techs?

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    I have read posts that imply the ROV companies just can’t get enough guys. There does however appear to be endless amounts of people trying to get into the industry.

    Is it that there aren’t that many trainee posts available? Or is it just a shortage of suitable people?


    Like you said it’s the shortage of suitable people, likewise skilled people with a good technical back ground, education. Google on an entry like “shortage skilled oil workers” and you’ll find numerous articles on the subject.


    go to any personnel department and the folders they have of rejected c.v’s is frightening……
    for every job taken 200 have tried (estimated) a couple of years ago there was a lull and companies were not taking that many new starts.

    now we have the opposite , but there is a problem because a lot of the contracts stipulate that only ‘experienced’ personnel can be used , which is a catch 22 situation .

    to answer there is jobs out there but a company will try and pick the best ‘in their’ opinion as with all factors of life whats on paper and whats reality doesnt always match.

    thats why these Rov ‘courses’ do so well they give a false impression that just having this on your c.v is enough it aint!


    I think that if there are jobs for ROV trainees, I would have a pretty good shout with my background.

    There are bound to be companies that don’t invest in any trainees, and just recruit trained personnel. Which are the better companies for trainee jobs?


    All things you have to find out by you’re self by sending out CV and keeping the eyes and ears open for opportunities.

    Andy Shiers

    May the force be with you 😀


    "May the Force serve you well,"but its only you and you alone that decide your fate. 😆



    there is a genuine need for ‘real’ pilots techs somebody who can actually fly would be a great relief, too many come out on jobs and use some poxy excuse not to go on the sticks …..

    its a title that too many get without the proper qualifications , what happened to 100hrs 6months in the industry

    now its 1 trip and hey this is fuckin easy…..

    followed by…. i deserve more money, i done a trip

    that answers your title , pity you followed up with a different question….

    oops slight tangent there……… the wonders of lager!!



    true enough….just did a hitch in the GoM…four of us showd up to manup during running the BOP stack…….the other three lads could not run a T4…..thats a first I have seen.

    Your right mate…….too many excuses……no one expects you to be flawless…but not even knowing how to flash the master arm up…..whats up with that.

    My advise to the new people coming in the industry is learn all disiplines…no question is too stupid.


    hey believe me there are people out there that ask that one stupid question.. I got asked by a trainee.. is that the rov on the deck? pointing to the erm ROV 😯 🙄 😳 😆 😕 😀

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