Hello All,
We currently have the following positions available and new position coming in on a daily basis.
Job Title System Location Mob Date Duration
Supervisor Seaeye 600 Holland 13tH October 3 weeks
Supervisor Triton USA 13th October 4 weeks
Supervisors and Pilots Triton Norway 13th October 4 weeks
Supervisor Sealion Qatar 13th October 6 weeks
Supervisor Lynx UK 14tH October 4 weeks
Supervisor Tiger UK 15th October 1-3 weeks
Supervisor Sealion Libya 15th October 3-4 weeks
Pilot Techs Falcon Gabon 16th October 3-4 weeks
ROV Pilots Seaeye India MUST have Indian passport or MOHA 16th October 3-4 weeks
Plough Supervisor Backfill Plough Norway 22nd October 4 weeks
Plough Tech Backfill Plough Norway 22nd October 4 Weeks
ROV pilot Wr1 Norway 22nd October 4 weeks
Superintendents Backfill Plough and WR1 ROV Norway 22nd October 4 weeks
Supervisor Comanche UK 28th October 3-4 weeks
Plough Techs MD3 SE Asia Jan 2009 8 weeks
Kind regards,
Will Walsh
International Recruitment Consultant
Subserv Pro Ltd
Tel: +44 (0) 1295 225000
Fax: +44 (0) 1295 225001
Email: will@subservpro.com
Website: http://www.subservpro.com
IMCA Members– International Marine Contractors Association
REC Members – Recruitment & Employment Confederation