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Job market competition

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Job market competition

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    Chris Baxter


    I’ve been trawling through the forum looking for a particular subject that seems to offer mixed opinions all round.

    One thing that puts me off committing to the ROV world is t he portrayal of the trainee pilot job market.

    One side of this forum states that there is a large amount of rookies and potential rookies (various competency) all jostling for their first position.

    The other side states that there is a need in the industry for trainees as ROV companies grow and roustabouts tend to hinder rather than help ROV crews.

    My question needs an honest answer.

    If I complete all my relevant training (plus a couple of extras to sweeten the CV) am I going to struggle for work while my family eat gruel for a year?

    Rookies in any industry always suffer with the not-enough-experience/need-work-to-gain-experience paradox. The help proffered on this forum regarding CV writing and distribution is great and has been appreciated.
    But are there enough jobs out there??!!

    Signed:Yet another Forces Leaver potential ROV trainee. REME. Armourer.12yrs.


    i have two friends who are former HM Navy guys who spent the better part of a year knocking on doors and doing offshore requirements before they got into the industry. long story short…. the chance is there but it takes patience and some gusto.

    Ray Shields

    Roustabouts are rig crew, they don’t have anything to do with the rov.

    The simple answer is there are many peiople chasing few jobs. Rovs are one of many jobs offshore, its also worth looking at others too.

    You will find people who get offered jobs straight away, you will find others who searched for years and got nowhere. At times it feels more like luck when someone gets a job.

    Chris Baxter

    So it’s pretty grim then. Fair enough.

    I know what a roustabout is, I’ve heard of them being roped into helping with ROV related tasks due to a lack of trainees available.

    Black Dog

    So it’s pretty grim then. Fair enough.

    I know what a roustabout is, I’ve heard of them being roped into helping with ROV related tasks due to a lack of trainees available.

    They must be a VERY inexperienced ROV crew then! 🙁

    Ray Shields

    I have seen and heard of rig crew assisting launch and recovery, but not operate or maintain an ROV.

    John Bridgett


    I’ve been trawling through the forum looking for a particular subject that seems to offer mixed opinions all round.

    One thing that puts me off committing to the ROV world is t he portrayal of the trainee pilot job market.

    One side of this forum states that there is a large amount of rookies and potential rookies (various competency) all jostling for their first position.

    The other side states that there is a need in the industry for trainees as ROV companies grow and roustabouts tend to hinder rather than help ROV crews.

    My question needs an honest answer.

    If I complete all my relevant training (plus a couple of extras to sweeten the CV) am I going to struggle for work while my family eat gruel for a year?

    Rookies in any industry always suffer with the not-enough-experience/need-work-to-gain-experience paradox. The help proffered on this forum regarding CV writing and distribution is great and has been appreciated.
    But are there enough jobs out there??!!

    Signed:Yet another Forces Leaver potential ROV trainee. REME. Armourer.12yrs.

    It does seem to vary quite a bit, there are a lot of applicants for few positions for sure. I think you’re considering doing the right thing by adding ‘sweeteners’ to your CV and that’s what I did. Last year, being on the wrong side of 55 and finding myself redundant as a school network manager I needed to find work, there was none in the IT industry even though I was well qualified.

    I contacted The Underwater Centre and attended one of their experience days, my CV was vetted and they were confident I would find work. I did the 3 week ROV course, got my survival, medicals and M.I.S.T. done, applied for positions, had numerous interviews and was offered no less than 6 positions within 3 months of the course at TUC.

    There are arguments that I would have been offered a position without all of the sweeteners, I feel it helped because age was against me, my background is strong – electronics, hydraulics, flying full size aircraft, flying model aircraft but I still feel the TUC course was a good help. The TUC course does NOT make you an ROV pilot, it DOES make you someone with a few hours experience and I can’t imagine going straight into an ROV shack with no experience at all.

    I applied to 400+ companies and agencies, agencies you can pretty much rule out as a newbie, I did get one job offered from an agency but the rate was poor and the conditions even worse so stick with the companies.


    Andrew Martin

    I was a REME Armourer and i left after 13 years in feb and stuggling to get a reply never mind a interview! i send my CV off everyday and barely get a reply its so down hearting…

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