Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Junior Equipment Technicians – DeepOcean

Junior Equipment Technicians – DeepOcean

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Junior Equipment Technicians – DeepOcean

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  • #6730
    Ryan Pope

    Evening all!

    Just had my account activated, so this is my first post.

    Ive had a nosey round here while I waited for my account to be verified and this place seems a font of knowledge.

    I have managed to get an interview with DeepOcean on wednesday in Darlington for the above position and wondered if any one else on here is attending or has gone through the same route in the past? I have searched a dozen times to no avail.

    My first interview in almost ten years so I am a little apprehensive. My background is RAF and more specifically mechanical engineering.

    Cheers, Ryan.

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