Keelung, Taiwan

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  • #224
    Philip Pedlow

    Well, hmmm. what can you say about Keelung. It rains a lot.

    Lucky Star Near the train station/underpass
    Mariners opposite Lucky Star. (Yes They are owned by the same family of rip off merchants)
    Columbo’s behind the KFC one street down from Lucky star. This place is a bit better and prices are a bit more reasonable.

    The first one is pretty much a girlie bar in the sense that they want you to buy them drinks etc. As for anything else I dont know. (Hav’nt got that drunk yet.) The second is expensive but not so many girls trying to get drinks etc. The third is good and quiet and a cheaper place for pint.

    There is also a bar called the truckstop (I think). Further away from the ship, (still walking distance). Its much cheaper but they dont speak a whole lot of english. Anything other than ‘BEER’ or ‘WISKEYCOLA’ might be a problem.

    Other stuff:
    Burger King….(crap)
    Macdonalds…..(also crap but open all night so who cares)
    Starbucks for our american friends
    PizzaHut (get your order translation in advance from lucky star or just have it deliverd there.
    Dominos Pizza
    Night Market
    Cool big Computer shop with really cheap shit. (but dont try and return anything, friggin nightmare).(There is usually someone who speaks english when you are buying but can never be found when you want to return it.)

    Driving range (Golf) nearby. Going there tommorow I think.

    Taipei is only 45 minutes away and its supposed to be a good night out although I hav’nt gone that far yet.

    Transport is cheap across the board including taxis. I think $20USD to Taipei. $1 if you take the train.

    Lots of cool temples and such like if you are into that sort of thing. Make sure you buy a brolly. 3 bucks at the night market.

    Later dudes


    Like filo says all of the below is quite good, above the Luck Star(Death Star) at least up the nearest walk-over stair is a place called the Bullpen not bad for a change of scenary, good for a laugh.

    Truck Tea house (AKA Truck stop) is good, nice spot opposite direction from Star Bar. Beers are cheap, always taste good and they have whopping great 1 litre glasses if you fancy.

    OK Taipae, catch the bus or train in is the best bet or cheapest at least from Keelung right across the road from Starbucks. They leave every 20 odd minutes get some beers from the station for the ride about 3 beers long. Good spots in town are the Brass Monkey, Carnigees and check out the 101 building has great food up the top and you cant go past the veiw from the wolds tallest building.

    Go ladies night heaps of women out in Taipae!

    C ya



    You Fanny on the ROVweb you have turned newbier than ever. Make my sides split, now that you work for Geo and have become one of the online moaners that are roumoured to be on that boat.

    Ask a few of the lads on the boat about the online ROVworld antics that went down about a year ago just befor I got there.

    A few of the harsh comments were of high quality words like, YO ARE and IF I AM WHAT ARE YOU, TAKES ONE TO NO ONE. Staight out of the 5 year olds book of witty rapore and cool comebacks.

    Thats why I have stayed clear of this sight just incase someone might slay me with there malics words.

    You have dropped a notch old sausage………

    Itchie Finger

    Scott Beveridge

    Don’t know what Ithchie is on about…

    Back to where to go…

    There’s also George’s Book Shop (if it’s still there…) 2nd floor on the corner near Lucky Star closest to the port. Good (copy) manuals, non-fiction, used books, pool table, half way decent western food, and relatively quiet. Not a girl bar.

    Road level, next door up from the stairs at George’s, is what we called the bleeding arse bar which you guys refer to as Lucky Star (if my befuddled mind remembers correctly). There were 3 deaf-muted girls in there that loved to play the electronic slots. Their english hand-writing was nearly perfect AND they could lip-read English!!! One was a real dish and you could get service at the bar. Bleeding Arse? When they first opened, we ROV guys and a box of divers walked in and noticed a video playing on the screen. Use your imagination from here…

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