Home Forums General Financial, Tax and Insurance Know A Good Accoutant in Perth, Australia?

Know A Good Accoutant in Perth, Australia?

Home Forums General Financial, Tax and Insurance Know A Good Accoutant in Perth, Australia?

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  • #473
    Hot Stab

    Just wondering if anyone know’s a good tax accountant in Perth, Australia who specialises in us fellas who work out of the country, and come back to Oz on our time off.

    Ive tried to read the Aussie Tax website but cant make sence of it. Ive talked to a couple of different accountants at bars over time and I have had two different answers on if I pay tax or not.

    So if you work overseas and have a good accountant who has done the right thing by you, and hasnt got you in the sh*t with the Tax department, I would love to know.

    Much appreciated for your answers




    Try Geers and Pusey accountants, used to have office off Leach Hwy, Myaree.

    Best to check the phone book.

    Mr Pusey used to help me out with my tax returns.

    Good luck


    Geers and Pusey

    That would be a good lable to stick on the drawer where all the magazines end up in offshore. 😀

    Hot Stab

    Thanks Pablo

    I will book myself in when I get to Perth.

    Much appriciated


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