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  • #10404

    Lastboy, don’t be silly! You know darned well that I live in the best place on the planet. Besides, not much hockey going on in the Emirates. I need some entertainment during my endless months of leisure…..that and having sympathy for humble taxpayers. ๐Ÿ˜ณ


    I get paid uk pounds into my offshore account, the country i live in i stay there on a tempo visa. so classed as long term tourist. hence i dont get taxed from uk or where i am living.. ๐Ÿ˜€

    Andy Shiers

    ๐Ÿ˜ฅ OOOOOOOoooooh , That was a bit below the hairy bellybutton Baron


    I have a tempo visa for where i live, i renew it every so often. I am what you might say a long term tourist. so i dont have to pay tax in the country i am in. my pay is paid into my offshore account tax free.
    I dont miss the high prices end expense of living in uk. the horrible weather and the moaning!! must not forget the moaning.. dont miss uk one bit. ๐Ÿ˜€ 8)


    so you’re a whinging pommy bastard that lives in Pattaya, so what else is new. Yaawn, ho humm


    No not there, and who cares if its boring am enjoying the life and its benefits of NO TAX, I am not a pommy! Rovgod??? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha get a life asshole! you sad fucker. there are better than you out there there always will be . maybe am not one of them maybe i am .. but who actually gives a f@#k… please refer to strange people offshore! ๐Ÿ˜ณ ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜ฏ ๐Ÿ˜• ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜†

    Scott Beveridge

    Tax, ๐Ÿ‘ฟ donโ€™t swear in here, have not been paying tax for 20 years, and I am not cheating.

    Don’t you know it!!! You know how long I’ve been living here…. dude!


    was living in Singapore for 14 years…typical living the beach dream until a little side number blew up into a monster company and had this title of National Thai Boxing Coach and picture in FHM…….major adventure……a roller coaster I rode till Tiawainese triads wanted more for thier cut.

    Long story short if you think the justice system in a foriegn country is going to give you half the rights as back in your home land guess again.

    Not to mention lockup in the real world is a cake walk compared to Changai prision.

    Its the "done that got the T-shirt" trip.

    Funny enough ….even though I pay taxes back in God’s Country (Vancouver Canada) I pull down more dosh and dont work on those shite jobs in SEA.

    The bar scene (even w/o STD’s) gets old like us.

    Scott Beveridge

    was living in Singapore for 14 years…typical living the beach dream until a little side number blew up into a monster company and had this title of National Thai Boxing Coach and picture in FHM…….major adventure……a roller coaster I rode till Tiawainese triads wanted more for thier cut.

    Long story short if you think the justice system in a foriegn country is going to give you half the rights as back in your home land guess again.

    Not to mention lockup in the real world is a cake walk compared to Changai prision.

    Its the "done that got the T-shirt" trip.

    Funny enough ….even though I pay taxes back in God’s Country (Vancouver Canada) I pull down more dosh and dont work on those shite jobs in SEA.

    The bar scene (even w/o STD’s) gets old like us.

    Is that you "Rocket"????? Couldn’t be Sgt. – that’s Calgary. Perhaps not cuz’ Rocket was in the other lock up (not Changi Hilton) – a long one at that…

    Re the above: rovbionic may have been dis-illusioned at one point or another and had the provebial guts full. Happens alot… One of the most – if not the most – important things to remember (and not forget!) is that "YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR". This not only applies to folks who have left their countries "for greener pastures" or S.E. Asia or the ex Eastern block or (fill in the blank), this applies to the average Joe you see at the pub everyday at "his" chair, table, or barstool whom decides to make the "big move" to the next village, hamlet, district, province, etc. for chasing the "Almighty Coinage"


    I dont know if its available online, but there was a story in the Aberdeen P&J recently about a guy who followed all the rules regarding not being in the country more than 90 days an year etc. and claimed expat status for a few years.

    The Taxman decided that even though he followed the rules, he was not an expat as his wife and kids still lived here and he still had a house here. They decided that he did not "look" like he was an expat and now want all their tax money back.

    As the taxman can go back several years they may start investigating a few more people who claimed expat and try and get the money back off them.

    Back on your question I know about half a dozen, but they left to 1) not pay tax to anyone and 2) shag and drink themselves stupid in Thailand/Vietnam/Phillipines.


    The guy was an airline pilot, the reason he got done was because his family was seen by the tax man to be domiciled in the UK hence he could not be expat. Things are getting very tight on this now. Things like days in/out of the country such as your days of departure/arrival into the country now count as day in the taxmans grip, where as they did not used to.

    Have a look at NEXUS the expats magazine it has a truck load of useful info if anyone is considering going down the expat road.




    do you really think rocket could have made those moves?

    try Steve Austin…….I retained 10% of the companies interest being the GM and held out till the amount cancelled my losses i.e. paid up capital in the company revenue lost in the nick etc. Yea sure I knew the dark side of my investors but did it any ways just to sit here and breathe and to know I locked horns with the big boys and that they will never forget this expat.

    Trick is to know when to take a fall and always helps to have a lawyer of the opposition triad.

    The experience was worth it….eveyday after Singapore is a cake walk.

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