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Looking for a Job

Home Forums ROV ROV Personnel Available For Work Looking for a Job

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  • #1306

    Dear Sir / Madam,

    I would like to apply for the position of ROV Pilot Technicians or another position at your company. I possess a Diploma as a Technician of Computers, I’m 3 in 1 Electronics with Fiber Optics / Hydraulic / High Voltage for Rov Pilots and Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle Pilot Technician. I’m a student of Mechanic Engineering, and I have completed my Green Hand Training, Survival & Medical,
    Understanding the nature of offshore employment, I certainly possess professional skills and important qualities to be able to work in these positions. I wish to make a career within the oil industry and would be willing to work hard.
    Ideally I would like to gain employment within my trade as a ( Pilot Technician ) in your company off/onshore, however I am willing to start at the bottom and work my way up within your organisation. I am therefore looking for a position as a ( Pilot Technician ) or another position that fits my profile.
    Thanking you most sincerely for your time and consideration.
    Please find my CV enclosed.
    Yours Faithfully,
    Nelson Salgueiro Espirito Santo

    Ray Shields


    firstly – this is a website for whinging offshore gits, we dont employ people we all work for other companies and come on here to complain about it 🙂

    Secondly, assuming you are writing to REAL companies for jobs, it is never a good idea to write and ask for a job as a Pilot Tech "or another position". At least contact them beforehand to see what jobs they have available and then apply for that specific job.

    Thirdly, assuming that 3 in 1 is the course for the Philipines training place, please note. You are NOT an ROV Pilot Technician. No matter what they told you in the course, no matter how much you paid them, it will take some years offshore experience to become one. You are looking as a job as a Trainee Pilot Tech, try and keep that in mind and it makes it easier to focus on the job you are applying for.

    Read therough the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section on here, link is on the left hand side, as well as all the messages in teh Rookie section on here as there is a lot of information on help in getting into ROVs already here.

    Andy Shiers

    Hear Hear 😡


    go get a bosiet/olf/nogeepa.

    its your offshore safety survival certificate.

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