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looking for Glyn Westwood

Home Forums General Lost Contact? looking for Glyn Westwood

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    kev blowes

    If anybody comes across Glyn on their travels, can they mention that Blowesy is on this site asking after him. We were divers together many moons ago.
    thanks kb


    😯 Looking for glynn westwood, i only know an Rov guy called Glynn, bit too short for a diver though!!
    This Glynn is a real alcholic….
    I wonder where this Glynn is now, heard he got ran off a trencher job for being drunk, again.


    I worked glynn, he got his marching orders when he came back to the boat pissed and tried to lamp the other supervisor. The next I heard, one of the other guys I worked with, his washing machine broke and it was Glynn who came round to fix it. That was a couple of years ago.


    Spoke to Glynn in April/May time. He was on the Normand Pioneer for Technip in Aberdeen.


    Blowsey you can email him at glyn@westwood54.freeserve.co.uk

    kev blowes

    Keecher, your’e a star! thanks mate.


    Just to put the record straight:-

    I am an ex diver
    I am not short
    I have never mended washing machines
    I have never been run off a job for being pissed
    I have never assaulted anyone at work
    I like a drink, but I am not an alcoholic

    Apart from 2 small stints with UKPS I have been at Technip/Coflexip for over 11 years, so it would be interesting to know where these incidents were supposed to have happened.

    Glyn Westwood


    unfortunately there is another with same name.

    dont be offended, the description of the other is pretty accurate though i am surprised you havent met people who have seen the name and started crying when they have met you in relief…

    nuff said

    kev blowes

    Glynis my friend!!!!!

    I’ve just been laughin my scouse arse off after reading your reply.
    Can’t believe there’s another creature roaming the earth with the exact same name as you ( wonder if his middle name is also Herbert).
    You haven’t lost your dry sense of humour mate


    kev blowes

    can you honestly say, with hand on your heart, that you’ve NEVER mended a washing machine?
    I don’t think so matey…….

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