Dear all,
As there are a LOT of active Projects in Russia at the moment I thought you should ALL be aware of the above mentioned MARSTAR Training based in St Petersburg, Russia.
This ‘Training Provider’ issues certificates purporting to be OPITO BOSIET survival training (and possibly FOET and other certificates – I haven’t seen any other examples yet) BUT they are NOT an Approved OPITO Centre.
The certificates state ‘in accordance with the internationally accepted training program and OPITO requirements’ – they don’t even mention specific codes (e.g. OPITO, OLF, NOGEPA, N-SOCD, STCW-95 etc.).
PLEASE stifle these predators by NOT giving them your business. People are obtaining these certificates and expecting to be able to work worldwide with them but they’re not worth the paper they’re printed on. If a Training Provider tells you they’re OPITO Approved don’t take it as read – check via OPITO’s website:
I have made OPITO aware of this but let’s name and shame these companies – they’re taking advantage of those who don’t know better and aren’t sure where to get the advice they need.
PS. If someone can translate this into Russian that would be fantastic