Hi there, I’m a high school student and I am on a team with 3 other students from my school. We are participating in the MATE ROV building competition. This is the first ROV any of us have ever worked on, so we are learning a lot!
The ROV must function underwater. We know we want to control it with a PS2 controller. We have chosen to use the Arduino Mega Board (http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoBoardMega) because we want to have variable speed motors. But we are confused on how to control the ROV with the PS2 controller.
I have been told that you can either plug the PS2 controller into your PC using an adapter, and then from there have the computer send messages to the board on the ROV. Or, you can run the PS2 controller through another microcontroller and then from that to the board on the ROV.
I’ve done so much research on this but I just need a clear statement saying how exactly can you connect up a PS2 controller so that it can control the ROV?
Thanks for any advice!