Home Forums ROV ROV Technical Discussions Max speed of vessel whilst TMS in water

Max speed of vessel whilst TMS in water

Home Forums ROV ROV Technical Discussions Max speed of vessel whilst TMS in water

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  • #35579
    Ray Shields

    Unless of course this IS the "Supervisor" lol

    Etienne Demers

    Unless of course this IS the "Supervisor" lol

    now.. wouldn’t that be sad…

    Perry Gurtin

    I am at a loss as to why you need a set speed because like everything it should be a case by case basis and the sub sea conditions vary requiring all movement be based on the supervisor’s call. Usually when transiting with the work class system down it is because they want you keep a visual of of something hanging from a crane over assets and that transit it is at about 0.6 of a knot. To transit hanging off the umbilical is not a done thing normally but I have seen it done due to really rough conditions and not wanting to recover in crap conditions so to provide any insight would be just opinion which would require more information than is provided.





    ‘To transit hanging off the umbilical is not a done thing normally ‘

    Actually it is a standard operating procedure and is very common. Not sure where you have been working?

    You are correct in that individual circumstances will govern any decision of speed and there can be much to consider or very little to consider depending on the evolution and scenario.

    Probably best for anyone who wants to know, to chat with their Supervisor – provided their Supervisor has the necessary experience, which is not always the case these days 🙄


    John Bridgett


    ‘To transit hanging off the umbilical is not a done thing normally ‘

    Actually it is a standard operating procedure and is very common. Not sure where you have been working?

    You are correct in that individual circumstances will govern any decision of speed and there can be much to consider or very little to consider depending on the evolution and scenario.

    Probably best for anyone who wants to know, to chat with their Supervisor – provided their Supervisor has the necessary experience, which is not always the case these days 🙄


    We used to transit at 2 to 3 kts in the helcom area of the Baltic, recovery because of washdown wasn’t practical at all. That was with a workclass and top hat TMS

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