Home Forums ROV ROV Technical Discussions Microfluidics


Home Forums ROV ROV Technical Discussions Microfluidics

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  • #2224

    I want to start this NEW subject, because this is my main domain of activity.

    I answer for all your questions about this domain.

    This is wonderful because includes Lab-On-Chip devices, micropumps, biological fluids, and other marveleous things who try to explain our life, who try to understand the celular physiology.


    This is wonderful because includes Lab-On-Chip devices, micropumps, biological fluids, and other marveleous things who try to explain our life, who try to understand the celular physiology.


    This has no relevance to ROV systems, you’re stealing bandwidth.

    Will now ignore you



    I don’t think so, Monkey,

    YOU ignore me, but others?

    Microfluidics is a huge domain wich includes remote control, actuation of a very finest mechanisms. All the machines tend to smaller. In electronic industry is the same trend. WE MUST THINK in future. The future coming soon with links between biology, microfluidics and microelectronics.

    It’s my personnel point of view.

    Best regards.

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