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    Sometimes a fibre can be too clean indicating a fatal telemetry error on your T3… thats when spacers and the right placement comes in very handy.

    Elad I totally disagree that a fibre can be to clean! I have heard that said before and cant believe why people think that! What’s your reasons to say this?
    Having worked with fibres for years before coming to ROV’s, you can’t be too clean! Having chased them round the vehicles many times, I find saying they can be too clean to be a total bum steer.
    A fibre can have a line that is too good i.e. in it’s losses and a system may not work if these are to low, then you can insert spacers etc to increase the losses.

    Ray Shields

    Sometimes a fibre can be too clean indicating a fatal telemetry error on your T3… thats when spacers and the right placement comes in very handy.

    Elad I totally disagree that a fibre can be to clean! I have heard that said before and cant believe why people think that! What’s your reasons to say this?
    Having worked with fibres for years before coming to ROV’s, you can’t be too clean! Having chased them round the vehicles many times, I find saying they can be too clean to be a total bum steer.
    A fibre can have a line that is too good i.e. in it’s losses and a system may not work if these are to low, then you can insert spacers etc to increase the losses.

    Then you can disagree, but it is true.

    If the signal being received is too strong it can overload the receiver. I found this out to my cost some years back when we couldnt figure out why the ROV mux stopped working after a tether reterm. It turned out that the amount of signal being received was too strong as the fibre ends were better polished than the ones that had been fitted before and we had to install an attenuator to drop the signal level down to get it to work.

    Over the years, different parts of an ROV system can be changed, different connectors, different tethers etc. so the original optical budget calculations for the system may change. It may never be noticed until one day you do one change too many. e.g. changing from using Hotmelts to using Fusion spliced tails.


    Ray my last line states what you say.
    But being too clean and too strong are different things.
    So keep em clean boys. 😀

    Ray Shields

    Ray my last line states what you say.
    But being too clean and too strong are different things.
    So keep em clean boys. 😀

    Cleanliness affects the strength of the signal passing through the fibre optic connetor and so both are related. You stated that they cannot be too clean, I have given an example of a situation where sometimes it can.

    But remember we are talking about fibre optic connectors, not the actual fibre itself, which has a specific loss per km @ a specific wavelength and tends not to change.


    I have to agree with Kalbo on this one Ray.

    The underlying issue here is receiver sensitivity. If the received signal is too strong for the receiving fibre optic modem then you will get dropouts. In fact, Focal Fibre Mux Monitor software is very handy for monitoring this realtime and will display RED if the received signal is too strong i.e. stronger than -10dBm. I have found that receive level works very well at about -15dBm.

    As Kalbo ponited out, keep your fibres clean. Why would you want to be chasing 2 issues – dirty fibre and a signal that is too strong – when you can can just be dealing with one issue!

    Cleanliness is next to godliness!

    I must say, it is good to see some intelligent discussion finally coming back to the board!


    Ok, so did Marley ever get to the cause of his fault then ?
    Or was Ray there cleaning the fibres with an oily rag.
    Sorry couldn’t help myself 🙄
    Only a bit of fun Ray.
    Kalbo The Clean

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