Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner My gratitude to the experienced ROV guys here

My gratitude to the experienced ROV guys here

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner My gratitude to the experienced ROV guys here

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    Douglas Ulyate


    I would just like to express my gratitude to all the experienced ROV guys here. I almost went for one of the ROV courses, either in FW or the Phillipines, but unfortunately do not have the background as required by the IMCA, and virtually all relevant employers.

    In my research, I have only found evidence supporting what is posted here, nothing to the contrary, except obviously from the various schools, which are businesses, and would naturally not want to chase business away.

    It would have been a large amount of cash which I can now put to better use elsewhere. But, I will always keep my eyes on the ROV scene, as it is something that has always interesed me.



    But, I will always keep my eyes on the ROV scene, as it is something that has always interesed me.

    Or put the cash towards a relevant qualification.

    Education, something they can never take away from you.

    James McLauchlan

    Bismuth, Thanks for your feedback :tup:

    Sedco has a very good point.. why not tick away behind the scenes building up relevant qualifications. When the ROV industry is busy you’ll be snapped up if you have the right bits of paper, ………as in industry recognised vocational qualifications and I’m not referring to these PTII tickets that are handed out by the schools, which basically are a waste of a good tree!

    This kind of longer term approach (rather than a short expensive training school fix) will, cost you far less than a course and may hit pay dirt for you one day. If not, you would still be well qualified for 0other types of work.

    Good luck! and best regards
    James Mc


    Well done for doing the research on this website. There is a host of information sat here waiting to be read – if only people were to SEARCH for it 🙄

    why not tick away behind the scenes building up relevant qualifications

    Try something like an electronics ONC and/or Mechatronics HNC…they are usefull, and can be used in civvy street unlike the micky mouse become a pilot in 3 weeks ‘schools’.

    Good luck.

    Douglas Ulyate

    Sedco has a very good point.. why not tick away behind the scenes building up relevant qualifications. When the ROV industry is busy you’ll be snapped up if you have the right bits of paper, ………as in industry recognised vocational qualifications and I’m not referring to these PTII tickets that are handed out by the schools, which basically are a waste of a good tree!

    This kind of longer term approach (rather than a short expensive training school fix) will, cost you far less than a course and may hit pay dirt for you one day. If not, you would still be well qualified for 0other types of work.

    This is exactly what I was thinking, get an industry-recognised qualification, and get myself the "right bits of paper". From what I’ve understood, you have to take a long-term approach if you are interested in becoming a ROV pilot.

    Will look at electronics/avionics as that is also in demand in the industry I am currently in, aviation.


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