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Navy boy looking for a good time :D

Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Navy boy looking for a good time :D

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  • #4377
    Duncan Kiltie

    I’m an aircraft engineer in the navy (a glorified fitter) with qualifications in mechanical (hydraulic), electrical and radio(sonar/radar)
    systems and i want to be an ROV pilot tech, i have a year left to run so i want to get up to speed now on how to go about gettting a job offshore? Who is good to work for? Every one i have asked has said to get a welding ticket wich one do i need? I appreciate all of my questions might be abit deep for a thursday afternoon but i would really like a hand as there are so many companies and so many avenues to go down.

    Thanks all 😀


    Paul Francis

    Hi there mate, i’m in the same boat as you, so to speak. I’ve already completed the ROV pilot/tech 1 and 2 course, you can find the course info in any of the resettlement mags, (Quest and the like). That is the easy part. The next part is the hardest, trust me. This forum is probably the best form of information there is. If you are in your last year you should have access to the CTP. There is a one or two on there,every now and then, but you have to be prepared to travel for it. If i find out anymore, i’ll keep you posted

    dennis speirs

    Speak to your resettlement staff and get them to find out when and where oil and gas industry shows/fairs are on, find out what companies will be there and go along with a fistful of cv’s and chat to them to see which way you want to go. As for courses i too am ex forces and just the quals from apprenticeship and a HNC got me the place with my company who then proceeded to train me up. I think most of the ROV companies operate like this and it seems to be getting busier at the moment so we may see an influx of trainee positions become available.

    Good luck

    Duncan Kiltie

    Thanks for the quick reply!!!
    I was abit sparing with my actual quals i have a city and gulids level two in aeronautical engineering and task books up the ying yang with regard to the actual work/experience level i have, i dont have a HNC, is there still work for me at this level? I spoke to my resettlement people and they are getting back to me. i’m just a little concerned that my limited paper quals might not get me where i want to be. On that foot short of going on an ROV coarse what other quals could i get to make me more attractive to the industry?

    Again thanks for your time 😀

    Paul Francis

    I have to say mate that all the quals you have will get you a place on the ROV course. But as I am finding out at the moment. Theseus no course that I can see will gain you experience, which is what employers are looking for. There isn’t much call for pilot/techs with no experience although I feel that sooner or later someone is going to have to bite the bullet and get someone on a training program. I’m sure you’ll be suitably trained by then.

    Paul Bond

    Don’t waste your money on a course -just get in touch with the ROV companies – get your CV in and keep hassling them.
    If they want you, they will take you on – it’s the same as any other form of employment. Some companies will put you through their own courses if you are successful, and most, if not all, run competency schemes that you have to complete to ‘rise through the ranks’.
    This obsession with ROV courses is ridiculous – these ‘schools’ are businesses and need to keep cash flowing through their doors. You do not have to be a rocket scientist to do this job – no matter what their brochures tell you.
    It doesn’t matter if you have done a pilot tech 1 or 2 course, you will be piloting a winch and a kettle for a while……
    White, two sugars! 😀

    Andy Shiers

    Ditto 😯

    mustafa bigen

    I’m 29 and been in the industry 7 years straight out of my apprentership (as a fitter). quite frankly if you feel you need to do the course to make yourself eligible then you shouldn’t be looking to go ROV matie.

    As for the welding, I don’t know about that. I weld but it’s not been highly demanded skill most of the time.

    Its electronics and hydraulics, hydraulics more so these days. More and more lads are electronic some in the loosest of terms. I think a real good understanding of Pascal’s, physics, hydraulic fundamentals are becoming less and less.

    More and more lads have full time education back ground HND, diplomas, and degrees, not to be sniped at but hands on learn as you fix is a real strength for you to play on.

    Good luck fella.

    Duncan Kiltie

    CV is done im going to start bothering people on monday!!! Thanks for all the advice maybe one day i’ll make you that brew!!!

    Cheers all 😀

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