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Home Forums ROV ROV Rookie Corner Need Help

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  • #3842
    Mark Davies

    I am 30yrs old and have never worked in this industry. I am in a dead end job as an operations manager for a large security firm in Uk. I am ready for a change.
    My goal is to become an ROV Pilot/Tech. Ok everyone finished laughing, good.
    Please understand that I know that this is going to take a long time and i am under no illusions about the amount of research and work that is ahead of me.
    What I would like to know is where to start. I have seen that there are many adverts for ROv training centres but I donot think that a 7 week course will get me anywhere in the industry. I was wondering about joining the Coastguard as a volunteer just the get some ‘SEATIME’, and hopefully start to understand more about the maritime industry while studying for what ever it takes.

    I am lucy that I am able to study full time and not worry about getting paid as I am financially secure.
    I am a very keen and compitent diver.
    Can anyone help me get on the right path?
    What steps should I be taking?

    Mark McGirr

    This has got to be a joke.
    What sort of illusionary image of the ROV industry is being portrayed out there?

    James McLauchlan


    I appreciate that you added quite a bit of background info there but….

    Over the last 7-8 years, everything you have asked has already been covered on this site, many times, over and over.
    For that reason I’m sure you can appreciate that those with knowledge on this subject are a little tired of adding the same responses all the time.

    The answers you need are in all likelihood already on the site.
    Please use the site Search facility (Search ROVworld top left of the site) and in particular have a look through the threads on ROV training and also those in this very section: Rookie corner. Plus check out our FAQ section.

    Once you have adsorbed the information available, of which there is a lot, please then ask any questions you have not found the answers to.

    Although we do a lot of work on ships, barges, rigs etc. ROV is not a maritime profession. For that reason I would suggest Coastguard experience would not help much, if at all.

    To all those thinking of switching to ROV as a job.
    This is a technical trade.
    You should already have technical experience.
    This means time served (as in a good few years) hands on experience in either Electrical/Electronic or Mechanical/Hydraulics.
    Before you even look at an ROV you should be able to tick the aforementioned tech experience box first.
    If not, you may find yourself banging your head against a brick wall one day wondering where your choice of career selection all went wrong!

    Mark Davies

    Thank you for your replies everyone, as I said I will be doing alot more research. Sorry I waisted your time.

    Mark Davies

    yes I know I spelt wasted wrong, thanks.

    James McLauchlan

    No worries. Drop back in any time.

    Christopher Tyson

    This has got to be a wind-up?

    Scott Beveridge

    This has got to be a wind-up?

    Another classic one at that Red!!!

    Mark Davies

    Guys this is not a wind up. I apologise for not reading through the forums and FAQ’s but I am not used to forums.
    You will be glad to know that I have now read your entire FAQ’s and most of the posts on this site and have found it very informative so do not expect anymore silly questions coming your way.
    This month I start my first steps towards Mechanical Engineering with an NVQ Level 1 in Aylesbury, so it will be a long time before you hear from me again.

    The site is great (if not very forgiving) and I will surely be back to ask some better questions in the future. Thanks ROVWORLD.

    Scott Beveridge

    Guys this is not a wind up. I apologise for not reading through the forums and FAQ’s but I am not used to forums.
    You will be glad to know that I have now read your entire FAQ’s and most of the posts on this site and have found it very informative so do not expect anymore silly questions coming your way.
    This month I start my first steps towards Mechanical Engineering with an NVQ Level 1 in Aylesbury, so it will be a long time before you hear from me again.

    The site is great (if not very forgiving) and I will surely be back to ask some better questions in the future. Thanks ROVWORLD.

    Good luck and study well! Don’t expect too much from this industry in earnest til’ maybe 2013…. That’s if you believe all the power-mongers, movers-shakers, and HMFIC news articles that you can get your hands on via the web….

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